"So this is the place." You muttered to yourself as you looked up at the gym and you must say it was huge.

So huge, you weren't sure if you even went to the right place. This wasn't the normal gyms you would usually go to. You would normally go to a commercial gym but this time, you wore your usual gym clothing with a hoodie over your shirt, you had no idea what was in store for you.

"Hey, Charlie! What are you doing over there, come right in!" Chris smiled from afar.

"I already let the staff know that you'll be here." Chris walked up to you and he ushered you into the gym.

The staff waved at you, with gentle smiles on their faces as you headed to the nucleus of the gym.

"You excited?. . . "

He stopped in his track as he took a closer look at your eye pointing at it.

"Woah, what happened to your eye?" He asked you.

"Nothing. It's nothing to worry about, let's get started with our training session." You chuckled, as he nodded his head ready to start.

"Alright then! Charlie tell me what makes a good footballer to you?" Chris waited excitedly, anticipating your answer.

"Um if I had to say, it'll be skills, abilities and attitude on and off the pitch." You were satisfied with that answer of yours.

"Yeah, that seems about right but you're forgetting one of the most important things." Chris pointed his finger at you.

"The body?"

Just as he was about to say the body you said it before him, which disappointed him a bit.

"Well yeah, the body! I mean look at this body of mine!" Chris took his pump cover off, and he was a shredded machine.

"Endurance, Speed, Stamina, Power, Strength, Discipline that's what you're going to work out with me for the rest of my break for the season." He pointed at himself.

It was funny how he was assuming that you would be training with him for the rest of the break without you even agreeing to it.

But you should probably take the chance to train with him before he went back to England.

"So basically powerlifting and poly metrics?" You questioned him.

"100%." He clicked his fingers at me.

"That's exactly what we're going to do, but we're going to go light and easy since this is the first time you're training with me." Chris chuckled.

"Wait you're saying that I can't keep up with you?"

"Trust me you can't." He smirked at you.

"I'll prove you wrong then." You said.

Chris laughed at what you had just said. "Alright then! Right this way!"

You thought this would've been a breeze but little did you know it was going to be one of the most painful experiences for your body.



You dropped to the ground huffing and puffing. Sweat all across your body, you felt that sweat soaking your clothes, as Chris patted you on the shoulder.

You just honestly wanted to vomit everything out. You trained hard but it seemed that Chris trained harder. On another different level of training.

"I've seen worst from others, so for a first time not bad. . . but I expect you to train the same way more often. Trust me by the end of this season you'll be a monster it'll take time and patience." He said.

"Also I'll send you a program and diet plan which I'll check from time to time to see your progress."

Why was he doing so much for a person like you? When he could've done it with anyone else.

You weren't that special.

"It's crazy how you trained like this to get that physique of yours." You commented.

"Like I said time and patience." Chris chuckled.

"Now there's one more thing to become a great footballer."

He offered you a water bottle, and you took a sip from it.

"What is it?"

"Ego." He gave you a big smile.

"I don't play like that anymore." You stood up to meet him at eye level.

"So you're holding back, is that what you're saying?" Chris questioned.

"I never said th-"

"Trust me, I've seen players holding back and you're one of them. It's alright to hold back, but one day a certain player is going to unleash that egotistical side of you. I understand you play the Royale way, the selfless way but is that really the strongest way to play?" Chris questioned you once more.

"I have no clue what you're trying to say to me but I like playing this selfless way it's better for me."

"Alright if you like that way then so be it. It's time to wrap up I'll leave it at that."

There was something you had to ask him.

"Wait." You reached your hand out to him. "Why are you doing so much for a guy like me, I'm nothing special."

Chris smiled. "First of all stop lying to yourself. You're most certainly special. And why I'm doing so much for you?" He tapped his chin.

As he began to grin. "I wouldn't dare spoil the fun of that. Let it be secret for now. Until you get better that is."

You nodded as you begin to wonder what play style was your greatest. . .


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