44 | Magift

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*If Luke's gonna have a dorm, what dorm will he be selected for?

- Headmaster's Office -

The first years were panting in exhaustion after successfully terminating the ghosts. The Headmaster clapped in amusement, proud that they managed to defeat the ghosts. He sure is carefree in times like this...

     "Oi, Headmaster! The blot and fighting ghosts don't connect in any way!" Grim complained, ready to scratch the Headmaster's face. The Headmaster smiled and pointed to the crystal on Grim's neck, "Grim, look at the crystal on your neck."

There Grim's magical crystal found a couple of black inks at the sides. That includes Deuce and Ace's magical pens because they also used magic. It was formed because of them doing magic and that certainly made Grim feel disgusted because he can't wipe it with his paw...

     "With enough diet and rest, the blots with disappear in no time! Magical crystals don't just help the user to cast spells, it's also a device to configure the blot in your body~," the Headmaster explained. "They're a handy item for us magicians~!"

Just make sure to take care of yourself to avoid accumulating the blot and make sure to not let your emotions take over your body. Grim, who's carefree, didn't care about it since he's a glutton and lazy kind of cat. Someone like Riddle Rosehearts is possibly to experience the Overblot state since he's one of the powerful magicians within the school, so he better be careful next time...

     "Unlike Ms. (Name) and Riddle-kun's magic power, you lot won't be possible to go berserk~!" The Headmaster smiled and clapped his hands. "Isn't that great?" He asked them.

     "You aren't saying anything nice to us, you know!" Ace complained, angered by the indirect insult from the Headmaster. Crowley just chuckled, "Ms. Barbatos won't have a chance to Overblot either, considering she's from another world—Either way, the large form behind Riddle-kun when he went berserk is a manifestation of both the blot and his negative emotions." He explained.

     Grim shivered from the memory, holding Yuu's coat, "That thing is scary... I don't wanna imagine another student's magical crystal going black and they'll experience the dark berserker mode..." He murmured. Crowley sighed sadly, "It is truly horrifying. Anger, sorrow, fear, confusion, etc. can only help the blot spread out in your body in a nick of time," he stated.

     "Negative emotions..."

     "The monster behind Riddle-kun when he was taken over by blot is believed to be the manifestation of both blot and his negative emotions—it only theorized, not proven enough because our knowledge about Overblot is still small," the Headmaster added. "Due to the fact it's a rare case."


The Headmaster sobbed, glad that Riddle didn't meet the same fate as the late magicians who didn't manage to go back to their senses. Using magic comes with different dangers and consequences. Once the Headmaster said his last warnings, Yuu closed the door to stop him from leaving...

     "Have you found a way home for me, Headmaster?" He asked, glaring at the crow-masked man. The Headmaster laughed, avoiding making eye contact with Yuu, "Ah, yes! How could I forget that? Certainly, I have—I have found a way back to your world, but as you can see that I'm pretty busy these days—"

     "You're not looking at Yuu, yanno," Grim stated.

     "Indeed, he isn't," the demoness appeared behind Crowley, scaring all the men in the room. "I'm not lying, Ms. (Name) and Yuu! I'm certainly trying to find a way back for you two, but I've been caught up by the Magical Shift Tournament this upcoming October! There's a meeting with the dorm leaders after this, too—"

     "Magical Shift?" Grim and Yuu asked at the same time. "Eh? You don't know Magical Shift, Yuu?" Ace asked, disappointed to hear that.

     "I haven't heard it either," (Name) said. "Ah, (Name)-senpai! It's a famous sport around the world, considering it has a pro league and world cup," Deuce answered, earning a pat from the demoness.

     "I still don't get it!"

     Ace sighed, "Magical Shift, also called Magift, is a sport played by two teams consisting of 7 players each. To put it simply, there's a disk that you should throw to the goal of the opponent's team, with that said the team with the highest points wins," he explained. Yuu nodded, "It's like football, right?"

     "Football? Is that a similar sport in your home?" Deuce asked the magic-less human. Crowley wrote something from his notebook, "I haven't heard it either. Maybe I should search it in the library for later, it might give me a lead," he murmured. "Also, Ms. (Name), why are you wearing the dorm uniform of Pomefiore?"

     She placed her hand above her chin, pinching it, "I might've angered the dorm leader the day before yesterday, causing me to have a punishment from him. I'll be temporarily a dorm student of Pomefiore," she explained.

Magift is a sport played with magic, from holding to the disk, offense, and defense. A magic-less student won't stand a chance against players who can use magic, a disadvantage for Yuu's side. A lot of people managed to be famous because of Magift—it's either how strong their magic is, their skill from dodging, or from how they can manage to throw the disk to the goal with ease...

     "Night Raven College is known to be one of the champions in the world! Magift isn't just an athletic sport to show off, but also where people battle with magic! It's like 2 n 1!" The Headmaster added, amused. "A lot of representatives for the World Cup, different associations from magical industries, and royalties shall attend our Inter-Dorm Magift Tournament. Not just that, it'll be presented live on TV that'll surely make you nervous!"

     The demoness laughed nervously, "I'll pass for this..." She muttered.

Grim surely wants to be seen on TV to show off his nonexistent skills in front of everyone. It'll be a surprise to see a monster playing as well, causing an uproar. A lot of sponsors will surely get new players from this Tournament...

     "Grim, I'm afraid you're not allowed to participate..." The Headmaster told the cheering Grim, souring the mood. "As I said, it's an Inter-Dorm tournament which means the qualified dorms are the only ones allowed to enter Magift."

     "But I want to—"

     "Participating in the game isn't the only role for the tournament. Selling drinks and foods, preparing the field for the tournament, and being the host is also one," Crowley tried to encourage Grim. "No, I want to hear everyone cheering me saying: he's so cool, I want to be like him, and—"

     "That's some low-class delusion, Grim," Ace teased.

     "Considering your dorm doesn't have many people, then you'll still have a low chance to participate, Grim," Deuce remarked. "I hope more new students will be sorted next year in Ramshackle."

     "I'll be going now! Busy day for me also you, Ms. (Name), you're coming with me! The dorm and vice dorm leader told me they won't be able to attend, so I'll take you instead," The Headmaster grabbed the demoness's wrist and closed the door. They can hear the sour tone from Grim from the outside, earning laughs from the juniors.



(✔︎) ❝𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐑❞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ