Chapter 2: The Crossroads

Start from the beginning

Harry had considered writing to Dumbledore, but there was no way he was sending Hedwig out in this storm. News reported it was a post-tropical storm. Harry hadn't paid much attention to it, but he still ensured Hedwig's needs were cared for. The thought of Hedwig dampened his mood, as he wondered who would care for Hedwig when he was gone.

Luna was right. The situation was hopeless. What could Harry do to match the might and power of Lord Voldemort? The weight of the world rested upon his shoulder. War was upon them, and even if he succeeded, what more would it cost him? The Memory of Hermione rose in his mind. He lost his parents, Sirius Black, and there was a genuine possibility that he would lose all his friends, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Nevile, and even Luna. Oh, what Harry wouldn't give to save his friends. To protect the people he loved, he would give anything! Everything! Wouldn't he?


Harry jumped off the bed in alarm, his wand aimed at the shattered window. It took Harry longer than he liked to admit to lower his wand. He wasn't under attack. A branch had smashed through his window. The wind was billowing, and Harry felt the full power of the storm. He was end danger, and he couldn't die now. Everything depended on his survival.

To hell is underage magic! This storm certainly qualified as a life-threatening situation. Harry raised his wand and banished the branch before repairing the window, but as more debris struck the glass, it became clear it would not hold for long. Harry ran downstairs to find broken glass covering the floor. Harry repaired the house as he went, only to stop when he found Vernon Dursely trying to force himself into his old cupboard. Dudley's fat bottom was wedged in the door, and from the muffled screams, Petunia was inside as well.

Harry was somewhat impressed. Despite his countless flaws, Vernon valued his family's life before his own. Of course, if he valued their life, he would have come to Harry for help. For a moment, he considered leaving, let's call them family, to fend for themselves, but in the end, that wasn't who Harry was. Harry pulled Vernon away from the cupboard, drawing his ire. "This is your doing, isn't it, boy? Put a stop to your rubbish, or I'll..."

Harry didn't find out what Vernon would do, as he had silenced his uncle's words with a flick of his wand before turning to the cupboard. "Get Out!"

Petunia and Dudley screamed as they fled the cupboard, fearing for their lives, while Harry rolled his eyes and waved his wand. He was admittedly out of his element. If only Hermione were here. Harry bit his lip as he inspected the ruin carved into the wall before turning to the Dursleys. "Get In!"

The Dursleys fled from his wand like cockroaches fleeing from light. They cowered in fear before they realized they fit perfectly inside the cupboard, with room to spare. Harry lowered his wand and approached the cupboard, only for the door to slam in his face. Harry frowned, rolled his eyes, and locked the cupboard door with a wave of his wand. "You're welcome."

Harry looked around, looking for a place to find shelter, but outside of lying underneath the kitchen table, a kitchen full of windows.

Suddenly Harry had an idea, Mrs. Figg. Her place had a basement! Harry ran outside and was hit by powerful winds. Only the use of his wand prevented him from flying. Wand raised, drenched from the downpour. Harry pushed toward Mrs. Figg's house and latched on the door. The door was locked and would not budge, even with magic. Harry began banging on the door, preying that Mrs. Figg's hearing aids would somehow hear his desperate cry for sanctuary.

"Please, help me!"

Then he heard it, and Harry's blood went cold. He didn't know why the bird's cry put the fear of god into his heart, why he suddenly felt more afraid than string into Voldemort's red eyes. It was only later, when Harry dwelt on the moment, that it was as if his very magic was trembling, a warning. Then, slowly, as if submerged beneath an ocean, Harry turned around.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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