{Lisoo} - we're not giving up on you (requested)

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Author's note: this chapter contains possibly triggering content. Please don't read it if that makes you uncomfortable. Thank you.


"Y/N? Baby, are you still in bed?" Lisa frowned as she and Jisoo entered the bedroom.

They're worried about you because when they left this morning, you were complaining that you felt a little off but you'd be fine after getting a couple more hours of sleep.

To see you curled up in bed with your eyes heavy worried them.

But they didn't know the truth.

They thought that you might be coming down with the flu or some sort of stomach bug because the more they looked at you, the more they realized how sick you looked.

But they had no idea that it was something so much deeper than that.

"Baby," Jisoo softly said as she walked to you, gently laying her hand on your side.

You could barely speak, so exhausted and drained of all of your energy that speaking was a challenge all on its own.

"Are you still tired?" She asked as Lisa sat down on your other side. "If so, I think we should take you to the hospital. You look sick."

You just hummed in response.

You tried to say no, wanting to protest them taking you anywhere because you didn't want them to find out the truth and the extent of everything you've done to yourself lately.

But you could barely keep your eyes open.

You felt so weak and so fragile.

Lisa noticed that you were wearing one of her shirts and she saw it had slipped up your body when you moved around on the bed, sometime during the day when you had a little strength to do so.

You looked so small.

She and Jisoo aren't the type to judge someone's body but when Lisa pulled your shirt up a little more, she looked at Jisoo and they both got concerned because you had lost a lot of weight.

"How long have you been feeling this way, babe?" Lisa asked as she brushed her fingers across your cheek. "Have you even left the bed at all today? To get some water or use the bathroom?"

You weakly shook your head and they both went wide-eyed.

"Baby, you need to try and use the bathroom. Come on, this isn't good for you or your body." Lisa said before she and Jisoo tried to get you to move and sit up.

But you just groaned and shook your head again.

"No," You mumbled. "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? What's wrong?" Jisoo asked.

You opened your tired eyes and looked at your anxious girlfriends, knowing they were waiting for answers.

"I can't stand up."

"Why not?" Lisa asked as she tried to hide how her fingers were shaking from nerves and her heart was racing.

"Tell us what's going on," Jisoo said as she rubbed your shoulder, coaxing you into opening up.

"If I stand up, I think I might pass out."

"Are you dizzy?" Lisa shook.

"Not right now. But... I haven't been eating. I feel weak."

That made both of their hearts drop deep within their chests.

Now they weren't just anxious, they were terrified.

This just took on a whole new level of danger and urgency.

This was extremely serious.

"How long has it been since you last ate?" Jisoo asked.

"I don't know. I can't even remember."

"We need to get you some food," Lisa said.

"Baby, please try and stand up for us," Jisoo said. "You need to try. Don't worry, we're here."

You knew it wasn't a good idea but you could tell they needed you to because they felt so afraid.

But as soon as you stood up, your knees gave out under you.

Your girlfriends, as always, were right there to catch you.

But they were also quick to realize that you needed help.

So they decided to take you into the hospital, knowing that it was the right thing to do, even though they felt like their hearts might explode from fear as they worried about what they might hear.

Thankfully, though, it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.

When they were able to see you, they took your hands and brought them to their lips.

"'Are you mad at me?" You asked through your tears as you looked at them in worry.

"Mad? No, baby, no." Lisa said.

"We'd never be mad at you for this, Y/N. We're just scared. We didn't know what to do." Jisoo said.

"It hurts us to know that you've been hurting yourself. You've been starving yourself and that's a hard pill to swallow." Lisa confessed as she played with your fingers. "You know that we love you just the way you are, right? And we'd never want you to change."

"I know."

"Please, don't do this to yourself anymore. We've got to get you some help. The doctor said you're lucky because if this had been a few days from now, they don't know what would've happened. You were getting sick, Y/N. You were making yourself really sick." Jisoo sniffled.

"I'm sorry." You said as you felt tears start to sting your eyes again as your girlfriends cried a bit.

"We love you no matter what. We don't care about the way your body looks and we don't care what anyone says or thinks about that. We love you just the way that you are." Jisoo said as she brushed her finger under your eye, catching any tears that fell.,

"I wish you could see yourself the way that we see you. Because you're beautiful and you always will be, no matter how you look. You deserve to feel beautiful. We'll always remind you of that."

"Thank you." You said as you began to feel overwhelmed by the love you felt from them. "I promise to be kinder and more gentle with myself."

"Good." Jisoo smiled. "We love you so much."

"Don't you ever forget it." Lisa said as she kissed your cheek.

"I promise I won't. Thank you for being here for me and for loving me."

"We're not giving up on you, beautiful. It's time you treat yourself with the same love you treat others with, the way you treat us. You're perfect just as you are. We hope you see that someday." Jisoo promised.

They smiled brightly at you and stared at you adoringly as they squeezed your hands tightly, swearing that with every step of the journey that was ahead of you, they'd be right there with you - no matter what.

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