our secret. LONNIE

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Summary: you and Lonnie are dating but no one knows so today you guys decide to say it, you're the sister of Ben.

Mal and Lonnie are in the sword room talking about different swords. "What do you think is the sharpest sword there is?" Mal asked "that I'm not exactly sure." Lonnie admitted, Mal hummed. "Oh hey Y/n!" Mal greets, "oh this isn't social studies, hello my apologies wrong room." You say sheepishly.

Lonnie blushes at you "hey Y/n." She waves "oh hello Lonnie, well I'll be going also I feel like samurai would be best sharp." You wink and walk out, the jaws drop on both girls "I like Y/n better damn." Evie says walking into the room, Mal laughs "you can't get rid of me that easily."

"But you're always so busy with Ben that I got stuck hanging out with the sister now look we are the best of friends besides us." Evie groans. "I think I'll leave now." Lonnie laughs walking out. They both wave to her, Lonnie sees you and runs up to you "hey baby!" She greets hugging you from behind, you blush putting your hand on her arm holding it. "Hi my love, did I ruin your guys conversation?" You ask with guilt.

She shakes her head "no you didn't, Evie came so they started talking plus I was gonna leave anyways." She explains, "wanna go sit by the enchanted lake?" You ask, she nods. You guys walk over and sit down, you press your back against her chest. You guys just sit there for about two hours until you fall asleep. "Aww did my baby fall asleep?" Lonnie chuckles. She carries you to her room.

A few hours pass by and you wake up to the sight of Lonnie cuddling you, you smile and tap her nose "wakey wakey my love." She opens her eyes and yawns "should we tell them our secret?" You giggle. She nods "let's go!" She exclaims happily, she grabs your hand and walks out of the of dorm towards Mal and Evie's dorm. She knocks on the door but you just walk in "hello guys." You smile sweetly "oh hello Y/n and Lonnie." Mal greets.

You start to get nervous, Lonnie notices and takes over "so we have something to say." She says happily, the girls look at you both confused "me and Y/n are.... Together!" She exclaims, you nod "oh my God how long!?" Evie squeals, "two months." You say smiling, they both congratulate you two, you both go and tell other people.

You guys walk back to the dorm all happy.

Short one

one-shots Descendent girls (GXG) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat