
Zero and you stood before the headmaster. The former having given you a hard glare when you both arrived at the office. You choose to ignore him opting to hear the explanation as to why you were both needed as... perfects.

Zero was annoyed that you choose to ignore him and made it known by angling his back to you.

You were weirded out by the name the headmaster gave the apparent guardians. Who the fuck calls themself perfects? Seriously, Isn't the headmaster a bit too childish? Is this really a real separate world or am I living inside the anime where the author has a weird fascination with Vampires and is still living inside her teenage faze? The author needs some serious therapy.

"I won't accept this! Is it now our job to wait on those "movie stars" and act as their personal bodyguard Mr. headmaster?" You were snapped out of your thoughts by Zero punching his fist at the desk.

"Oh my~ it must be difficult to do this every evening." Kaien didn't even look like he pitied the student which made Zero even more annoyed.

"If you understand that then assign some more perfects!" Zero then pointed at you in anger.

"And where was she today?! She isn't even helpful, but she didn't even come and help me out when I AM FORCED TO?! Do you know how hard it is to deal with those girls ALONE?!" 

This bitch. Don't talk as if I'm not here!

You tried to touch your earrings to calm down only to be shocked that there is nothing there. 

Oh...right. This isn't my own body.

Zero looked at you expectedly for you to argue back at him. Only for you to look at him with a glare before looking to the side, ignoring him completely. Ignorance is the best way to make the other party angry. He was shocked and baffled that you didn't take his bait to argue with him. Before he could express his anger at you for ignoring him, he was interrupted by Kaien.

"That's impossible." he took a long and loud sip of his tea. "Because their existence itself is a secret itself. After all the purpose of this academy is for Vampires and Humans to live alongside each other. That's why we developed the day class and night class system, so they all share the same building. Sadly there are some humans and vampire who cause trouble. That's why, in order to protect the true identity of the night class the perfects..." the man animatedly spoke fast explaining what perfects are and why they do what they do.

Zero looked at him weirded out on why he was telling them everything they already know and turned to you. He was going to say something, only to stop. He saw you listening to what was said intently.

Kaien saw the way Zero looked at you and decided to cut the explanation short. He wanted Zero to turn his attention back on him and not you.

"The guardians are extremely important. I can't leave this job to anyone except the two of you." Kaien's attempt at getting Zero's attention away from you failed. He watched as his adopted son frown at your behavior.

"Zero-kun, both your assistance is always required and everyone will hate you. This is a dirty job. 

But if I can leave things to my adorable son and loving daughter, my heart will be at ease." He dramatically acted shy after he finally got Zero's attention away from you.

It was obvious that both of you was getting annoyed with his behavior. Zero slammed his fist down the desk.

You looked at the broken desk, stunned at how fast and easily he did it.

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