Say Byebye...

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Sarah steped away from Billy and looked at her sisters heartbroken knowing that she might never see them again after the spell.

-Sisters, I knoweth not what shall befall to thee, but thee shall be missed. - she placed her hand on Mary's shoulder -  Mary, I'll misseth thy jokes and to playeth square with thee. - and placed her other hand on Winifred's shoulder - Winnie, I'll misseth the protection and humour of home thee giveth me. - Sarah started tearing up - Thee both cullionly the world to me, but mine own other love is stronger. I shall misseth thee to the moon and backeth.

-This is absolutely no more brain than stone! Thou art an idiot! - Winifred raised her voice.

-Alright! Enough is enough! I don't care if you're as old as Shakespeare, but I am sick and tired of the degrading way you treat your sisters! You're lucky to have such loyal sisters and you don't even realize it! You always take them for granted! - Oceane stood up.

-Who dost thee bethink thou art talking to? - Winifred started using her magic to choke Oceane.

Oceane was having difficulty breathing but all of the sudden Winifred was interrupted by something surprising... Mary slapped her across the face and made a signal for Sarah and Oceane to run away and so they did.

As they got to the witch shop Sarah chanted the spell with the ingredients in front of her and by the time she was finished she knew her sisters and Billy were long gone...

hii, im so sorry i took so long, i have been rlly busy and just havent been feeling creative. i wont make any promises on how much time im gonna write the next chapter but i have some ideas ik yall will love (btw sorry for the tears nshdkdhcjc)

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