𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦 // 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵

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In the days that followed, Henry did exactly what he said he would do; ask about what happened with Drew constantly.

He didn't back down, not once. At some point within every intercation both of us had together he would ask something along the lines of, "So what did happen with Drew?" or, "Are you gonna tell me now?"

The longer it went on for, the easier it got to dismiss these comments, although I started to notice our friendship starting to weaken, which was bothering me more and more.

A little over a week after he first asked, we were on facetime and Drew walked past in the background.

"Why is Drew at your house?" Henry asked.

"We're - uh - revising together."

"And you didn't invite me?" He sounded a bit offended by that.


"It's okay," he said. "I'll let you get back to 'revising'"

With that, Henry ended the call.

As the days past, I started feeling guilty. I told Henry basically everything. Part of me felt like I should've at least told him half of the truth.

Other than Henry, there was other people I wanted to tell. The police or some form of Child-Protection-Service were one. I felt like Drew's dad needed to be punished for kicking his son out of his house.

What was worse is I couldn't confide in anybody about it. I talked to my mom about it once; Trying to explain my feelings of guilt. But that conversation - even though it was about telling Henry - led me to remember she had authority over this kind of situation. Paranoid about Drew's safety, I backed off.

I couldn't talk to Drew about it either. He seemed to have trouble coming to terms with the fact that he needed more help rather than a couple of new clothes and a roof over his head.

One night, Drew and I went to my local park together. Undeniably, the park was wrecked, small and in desperate need of a make over, but it was enough for us.

We walked in mostly silence. I sepnt most of the journey there looking at all the stars shining in the dark.

When we got there, we decided to try out whatever equipment wasn't destroyed, starting with a very rusty slide.

We kept going on it for a while since it went pretty fast. A couple of goes in I pushed Drew down it, only for him to push my down a few goes later as revenge.

It was the most fun I'd had in ages. We were both laughing the entire time.

Drew and I then went on the round-a-bout and spun eachother around like crazy. We were both hanging on like there was no tomorrow.

Partially out of breath and need of a break, Drew and I went on the swings for a bit. Neither of us pushed ourselves high; we just sat there with nothing more than a basic swing.

We spent most of the first few minutes giggling when Drew stopped.

"Hey, thanks for letting me stay at your house. I know I haven't exactly been a greatful guest or anything."

"It's okay, honestly."

He turned to face me. "I know you're fine with it - or at least you say you are - but I know that it's an inconvenience. I can't exactly offer you money so at least accept the fact I'm greatful you let me stay."

"Okay then.." I said. "Thanks."

After that, we went back to messing around. It was the first time since the start of this whole situation I truly stopped thinking about it all and just lived.

Eventually, we grabbed our stuff and headed back.

It was a fifteen minute walk back from the park, but it took less than a minute for the sunset to fade into darkness.

We talked the whole way home. Nice conversations. Normal conversations. The type of conversations were it no longer feels awkward to talk to that person anymore.

There wasn't a moment on the way back where either of us stopped giggling or talking or some weird combination of the two.

Before either of us even realised, we were on the path leading up to the small house we lived in.

I paused.

Drew stopped near me, turning my way.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders. "I just had a good time I guess. Shame its over."


We both stood there, shoulders almost touching. Impulsively, I did something I never thought I would do.

I cupped the side of Drew's face with one hand, feeling the contrast between his warm face and the cold of my hand immediately.

Seconds passed.

To my suprise, he did nothing about it.

Before I knew it, my other hand was on his face and his arms were around my stomach.

Next thing I know, I pull him in and kiss him.

A few seconds later, we both pull out and both look at eachother, both of us flustered.

Suddenly, Drew lets go. "We should go inside now."

"Yeah.." I say, the moment fading into awkwardness.

I unlock the door and we both head inside.

Neither of us say anything.

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