Villain's Assemble!

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Another monotonous day had settled upon Ledge's hideout, the air heavy with the scent of solitude and the sound of flipping channels on his television filling the room. Yet, amidst the humdrum routine, a sudden cacophony of persistent knocks shattered the silence, jolting Ledge from his reverie.

Initially dismissing it as yet another interruption from a bothersome salesborg, Ledge's irritation escalated as the persistent knocking persisted. Fed up with the disturbance, he reluctantly abandoned his monotonous television routine, approached the door, and swung it open, only to be met with the unexpected sight of an unfamiliar visitor standing before him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't The Hacker!" Ledge sneered, a mischievous smirk creeping across his face. "I never thought I'd see the day when you'd come crawling back to me, seeking my assistance for another one of your feeble attempts to conquer Cyberspace.”

"Actually, that's precisely why I've come," Hacker replied, his voice laced with reluctance. "I was wondering if, by any chance, you have some portal dust I could borrow?”

Ledge's suspicion deepened as he crossed his arms. "Oh, really? And what precisely do you need it for?" He inquired, his tone skeptical.

Hacker hesitated for a moment, exchanging a quick glance with his henchmen. "Well, you see..."

Before Hacker could elaborate, Delete blurted out, "The boss wants to know if he could borrow some portal dust to build a portal to the real world. Once he gets rid of the Cybersquad, Motherboard will be defenseless, and Hacker can finally seize control of Cyberspace!"

Annoyed by Delete's slip of the tongue, Hacker swiftly covered his henchman's mouth, attempting to stifle any further revelations. "Quiet, you Dipstick! We can't let him know about our plan," Hacker hissed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ignoring their bickering, Ledge refocused his attention on Hacker, his smirk growing wider. "Well, Hacker, I would be more than happy to provide you with some portal dust. However, there is a condition," he announced triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Hacker's face contorted with anger. "No way! I know exactly what you're scheming, and I won't have it! The only one who's going to take over Cyberspace is ME, and ME ALONE!" He retorted angrily, his voice dripping with defiance.

"But Boss, if we can't get portal dust from Ledge, where else could we find it?" Buzz interjected, his brows furrowing with concern.

Ledge relished in Hacker's dilemma, savoring the power he held over him. "That's right, Hacker. You don't have much of a choice. You can either accept my condition and receive the portal dust, or you can seek it elsewhere. I'm sure Motherboard wouldn't mind assisting you," he taunted, his tone laced with smugness.

After a tense silence, Hacker reluctantly sighed, recognizing the limited options before him. "Fine! Just get on the Wreaker," he conceded, gesturing towards their parked ship.

"You'll receive the portal dust once we reach the Northern Frontier," Ledge teased, dangling the small container of sparkly pinkish-purplish substance tantalizingly close to his face. With an air of victory, he strutted toward the ship, while Hacker and his henchmen begrudgingly followed.


Meanwhile, at Dr. Two-Brains' hideout, a pivotal meeting was in progress. Dr. Two-Brains and Zach had assembled villains from across the city for a significant discussion. As the villains settled into their seats, Dr. Two-Brains ascended a makeshift stage crafted from old crates, clutching a microphone tightly in his hand.

"Excuse me, may I have your attention, please?" Dr. Two-Brains called out, attempting to capture the rowdy villains' focus. The room buzzed with conversations, the villains engrossed in their own discussions, seemingly oblivious to Dr. Two-Brains' presence.

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