41 | Misbehaving Luke

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*I love your theories so much, btw

Savanaclaw arc: starting...

"-the dorm where people who excel in martial artists and sports are found with their Prince of a dorm leader"

Obtained: UR+ Barbatos "Babysitting the Royalties"

"You act like a child, didn't you notice?"

- Diasomnia Dorm, Barbatos's room -

     "What do you mean I can't leave your room?" Luke asked, he was on the verge of crying. Barbatos told him that he can't leave her room or else the Headmaster will catch her bringing trespassers and it might result in her expulsion, "It's boring here!" He complained.

     "Luke, I already explained it to you. Don't worry, you're free to do anything here, but you're not allowed to leave the room," she warned. "We don't want to get caught by the Headmaster, right? So behave and I'll give you a tasty reward later," she offered.

Luke didn't seem to be convinced by the offer of the demoness, making her sigh in defeat. Once she left the room and locked the door from the outside, Luke immediately took the grimoire hidden in her cabinet. He had stolen it from the day she went missing when everyone was busy trying to find a reason why she disappeared...

Before he could even open it, he was electrocuted by the spell (Name) cast on the grimoire to prevent him from using it. He tried opening the door using his magic, but to his dismay, he can't fight the demoness's level of magic. His back was leaning on the door, giving up...

Not until he saw the window that gave him a chance to escape the room. Peeking through the window, he saw an endless pit and he gulped at how scary it looked...

- Class 3-C -

     "Oh, I'm so worried..." The demoness murmured as she placed back and forth at the back of the classroom, worried about Luke. He might have some flashbacks from the room he was locked in before, "What if something happens to him? Ahh, I can't see the future..."

     "Pups, take your seat!" Crewel entered the room and slammed the door behind him to make the students go to their seats. "Ms. Barbatos, you'll be repeating the potion yesterday! I'm afraid you and Mr. Schoenheit have a low grade in that potion, if you don't want that, feel free to redo the potion again!" He said.

The demoness nodded as she and Vil started to place their safety glasses. Beneath the poker face facade, her worried instincts towards Luke are getting stronger any second. She just hopes the scene that happened last night won't happen again...

     "(Name), you better not ditch me again..." Vil whispered.

- Hallway, East Building -

     "I should've listened to (Name)," Luke sobbed in the corner, hiding his face. Yes, he might have successfully escaped her room, but he's currently lost in the big school— "I'm doomed! She probably knows this and I won't get any sweets!" He panicked, running back to where he came from to go back to the dorm.

As he was running, hallway after hallway, he suddenly tripped on his foot. He winced in pain and went to lean back to a nearby wall, checking his broken ankle. The demoness just healed him last night because his wings are also damaged and if she heard that he hurt himself again, she'll probably think he was being reckless...

     "Are you alright, little one?" Someone asked in front of the injured Luke. Standing in front of him was a man with short, vertical-cut teal hair and his bangs are covering both sides of his eyes, with the other that colored black reaching his chin—reminds him of (Name)'s haircut, "You seem to be lost and bruised."

     "Don't touch me! I can take care of myself!" Luke stubbornly said, pushing the man's offered hand to help him. His height is also the same as the demoness, which is a coincidence, "I can do it! I don't need your help—"

     The man managed to catch him just in time, "No need to be stubborn, little one. Let me bring you to the infirmary," he said and carried the injured angel. "Your injury looks bad. It should be treated before it's too late," he added.

Luke couldn't believe it, this man is almost the replica of the demoness and it was scary because he can't imagine what'll happen later if (Name) found out he snuck out of her room. The man who was carrying him opened the infirmary door, placing Luke on the bed to aid him...

     "It's best to stay still, so I won't mess up the gauge," he told him. He gave Luke a smile of assurance, "Don't worry, I don't harm children. It's prohibited by the law to hurt defenseless children after all," he added.

     "Thank you..." The angel muttered as the man started to aid his broken ankle. "What's your name?" Luke asked the man.

     "Jade Leech of Octavinelle," he introduced himself. "And you are?"

     "I'm Luke!"

Jade might emit a sly vibe, but he has an approachable aura. Luke thought at first that this is (Name)'s twin because of how they both act alike and the way he talks also is the same as the demoness. Before he could talk again, someone barged inside the infirmary, almost breaking the door...

     "Jade, I've been trying to find everywhere~!" A scary, child-like voice exclaimed and entered the room. "Azul's been bugging me about giving this to the sea lion—Oh, what a cute axolotl~!" A mirrored replica of Jade appeared, taking a close look at Luke.

     "Stay away from me!" Luke yelled, hiding behind Jade. "Aha~! You're so small and look squishy, axolotl~!" He laughed, trying to get the angel.

     "Floyd, stop it. He's hurt at the moment and please keep your voice down, we're in the third-year classes hallway. We might get scolded by Professor Crewel," Jade told this Floyd. "He's my twin, Floyd Leech. Floyd, this is Luke-san."

Luke was gripping Jade's uniform, scared of Jade's real brother. Both of them look alike, but Floyd has a carefree attitude, while Jade has the same-mannered attitude as Barbatos...

     "What is a little axolotl doing in a college school~? Aren't you supposed to be in elementary?" Floyd asked as he watched his brother finish aiding the angel. Jade nodded, "Yes, he's right. What are you doing here, Luke-san?"

     "I'm trying to find (Name)'s dorm, Diasomnia! Um, she has green hair—then she's as tall as you guys!" Luke tried to explain her appearance. Both twins widened their eyes, knowing who he was talking about immediately, "(Name)-san, you say? The one in Diasomnia?" Jade asked.

     "Ah, emerald cory~!" Floyd laughed.

     "Do you want to go to her classroom—"

     Luke shakes his head violently, declining Jade's offer, "No, no! I just want to go to her dorm room, but I got lost!" He told the twins. "She's gonna scold me if she knew I snuck out of her room and I don't want to be found by the Headmaster or else she'll be expelled..."



(✔︎) ❝𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐑❞Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon