[ Opening Curtains ]

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A love story that started 9 years and 7 months back and never ended till date.

"I can't love you Omer." She said, not looking into his eyes but at her hands that were sweating. "I can't. Even if I want to.... I can't." Her voice broke apart but he knew she wasn't crying, she was Zehra she never cry. "I wish you best of luck with your life-"

"The life I ruined for you?? Zehra!! I burned myself for you and you are saying that-"

"I had to take this decision Omer." She raised her head up, meeting his eyes now, his sad and hurtful eyes. "It's for both of us, I'm not selfish-"

He gave her a humorless chuckle. "Selfish? Zehra.... you.... a woman like you could never commit to anyone! Ever!! You ruined my life and now you wish me best of luck for it. I'm going miles away and you left my hand..... may I never get to see you again Zehra Balaban....... bu son olsun."

Just like that Omer was walking away from Zehra. She never called his name, she never told him to stay, she never contacted him, it was true she never tried to apologize but she never even stopped loving him, stopped remembering him even when she tried..... she couldn't and that's how she knew that Omer Atmaca was staying with her forever. Just like that, in her heart and nowhere else.


"Chief, I will go there, I have to." He said firmly standing infront of the man, his boss.

"But Omer-" Halit, his boss, turned his head towards Omer who looked so determined to do the mission but Halit had doubts, not on Omer but on situation and the circumstances and on the movements on the man he had to catch before she do.

"I will catch him, no matter how sharp he is... how intelligent and smart he is, how many people he have behind him.... I will take him to you. I won't lose him." Omer assured, he didn't knew what his chief was hiding from him but as far as Omer knew his boss Halit, he always have a plan, he is never doubtful and is always one step ahead but little did he knew that they were opposite someone who was even two steps ahead.

Halit rubbed his jaw and then looked at Omer. He trusted Omer with everything that's why he was alone in Iraq with him only. Omer, who lost his brother due to terrorists. Omer, who had the fire of revenge in his eyes. Omer, who was fearless and ready to sacrifice everything for his country.

"He's very important to me. To us Omer. To the nation. He killed our friends." Halit informed which gave Omer a sense of relief knowing that now Halit is telling him everything, he had made up his mind of letting him lead the operation. A corner of his lips lifted at the little achievement.

"I understand the importance chief, I understand his importance but what is worrying you or who is worrying you?" He asked and saw Halit raising his eyebrows at him, he caught him and he knew it but was his chief ever going to accept that he was scared from someone? Never!

"I only don't want him to go in anyone else's hands Omer. No one knows we are here but there is someone who knows my every step because that person and I have worked for years and that person can predict every step I take!" Halit hinted. Curiosity took the best of Omer as the description Halit provided him raised his interest in the matter more.

He knew nothing more than that person Halit is demanding to catch is actually reason of the death of a few agents who sacrificed their life for the country. Serdar, Hulki and Pinar. A part of Teşkilat and more like a family but Omer didn't knew who is so close to those three to cross every limit to take the revenge. Who doesn't trust Halit. Who wants to take the revenge by themself.

"Someone who served for Teşkilat and is more dangerous alone than the whole Teşkilat combined. It's the revenge Omer.... the revenge that person wants to take so bad and won't even think once before firing the gun in the hand and taking that person's life. The person who should be in our hands and no one else."

"So we have to protect our enemy from this person?" Omer asked chuckling at the humorless insane fact, more like a job. Halit nodded but then he saw his eyes going towards the screen that was infront of them.

"Omer! Call Uzay!" Halit ordered and quickly stepped forward towards the screen, fear and worry quite visible on his face.

In the time Omer took to call Uzay, he turned back to look at the screen. It showed the CCTV footage of the office room of the man they had to caught. There was a shadow of something else in that room, a moving shadow which took Halit's attention.

"Chief!" Uzay answered, his stern voice breaking Halit's concentration on the screen but he didn't answered him because his fear was about to come true. He stepped closer and closer towards the screen. Anger filling inside him, hoping it's not something he thought it is.

Omer stepped forward, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Now his all attention was on the screen too.

A person entered the office room, the screen. A woman. A scarf wrapped around her head such that no one could tell much details about her or her face. A gun in her hand pointing towards the man sitting on the office chair.

She fired three times. Chest. Head. Stomach. Halit closed his eyes in defeat. She did it. She took her revenge but the curiosity still surrounded Omer, he couldn't help but walk towards the screen. He wanted to know who it was, who challenged Teşkilat, who challenged him.

The woman turned her face towards the hidden camera and slowly slowly started walking towards it which shocked Omer. She knew there was a camera and that they were watching. She took the challenge and completed it. Now it was her time to show her face. Her steps came to a stop and her hand moved towards her scarf.

In a matter of few seconds, it was gone and Omer was staring at the screen, at the woman staring right at him. She was back. 9 Yil 7 Ay.

"Zehra.... Zehra Balaban!!" And this time, Omer too knew that she isn't leaving.


HELLLOOOOO ZehMer fandom, fancy seeing y'all here at my home my comfort place my everything, MY WATTPAD where I write fan fictions of TRT couples cause buahahahha. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter, we will go on this journey together, may this be beautiful and lovely.
Iqra <3

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