Chapter 1- The Mother of the Child

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"-You shall leave that child to be raised on Cybertron, I do not want to hear another word from you."

"Sire! Please im begging you! Let me raise her here! She deserves a life with us! Not down on Cybertron!"

"That child's destiny lies on Cybertron, her life will be meaningless up here. Take her back to Cybertron, she will be better there than here."

"Sire I cannot leave my child down there! She has to be with her carrier!"

"...Vimiria you know well her life will be better down there than here, she wasn't even born with any abilities like yourself and Vector Prime. If you do not do it, I will have no other choice but to take her down there myself."

"I-I... As you wish Sire"

-Present time-

Bots were seen walking down the streets and even automobiles such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles were seen too. Up in the sky, the seekers were flying from one direction to the other. Yet it was night time so there weren't many around as there usually were during the day. Bots were at the moment recharging for tomorrow to start off with a brand new day. Yet when it came to Kaon it wasn't any of those things, bots were busy scavenging the streets for any scraps of food. Some were getting into fights and others were in their houses recharging while in fear. This was a place not meant for a sparkling.

Somehow though a figure stood in the middle of an alleyway, being covered by a pitch-black hood. While also holding something precious in their arms. Having put a blanket in a box before slowly putting in the small frail form of a Sparkling. Their optics shut as they slept, oblivious to what was happening. Their little silver servos grabbed onto the blanket when at contact, the figure put down a note in the box. Taking off their hood to reveal a completely white femme, every detail about her was pure white. Except for the light blue optics as they looked at the little sparkling. Reflecting sadness and love as the femme spoke.

"Take care my little one, I won't ever keep my optics off you. I'll always be there beside you, you just won't know... I love you my little Vira"

Vimiria said as she gently touched her daughter's cheek, her voice sounded like it was going to break any time soon. The little sparkling was still deep asleep but leaned into her mother's touch, her armor was white like her mother's yet she also had some light blue highlights and even silver skin. Having her helm like her mother as Vimiria looked down at her daughter before taking her white servo away from her. Leaning down and kissing her daughter's helm one last time before standing up from her kneeling position as her tears flowed down her cheeks, dropping down onto the ground. Her figure started to disappear before suddenly she was no more as if she just disappeared into thin air.

Vira was still sleeping as the little sparkling had no idea what had just happened. No one noticed the little sparkling in the box, and if they did they didn't care. Many walked down the street after 2 hours, no one even looked this way. Bright light blue optics snapped open when it was startled by shots nearby, the same optics of her mothers. The first instinct of an infant was to start crying, even one who was barely a day old. That's what Vira did as her little mouth opened before starting to wail loudly, having not spotted her mother nearby. A femme nearby paused when she heard the little sparkling crying, looking at the alleyway before scurrying off as her friends called her.

It was hopeless by this point but as 4 minutes went by suddenly a minicon appeared as they peered into the box. Vira stopped wailing but she was still crying softly, her little servos in the air. Wanted to be held as the Orange and light blue femme looked at the sparkling. Finally deciding to pick up the little one, taking her out gently before cradling her softly in her arms. Vira buried her little face into the femmes chest as she found comfort in her arms. The minicon wasn't as tall as most bots, probably only reaching the knee of most bots. Yet they were able to hold the sparkling since vira wasn't as big as her yet, maybe half of her.

After Vira calmed down the minicon looked in and saw the note before gently putting Vira back in the box and taking the note and reading it. While Vira looked up at her savior with her big Optics, seeming to be able to peer into anyone's spark would at this point. Being the adorable little one she was right now.

To Whoever reads this,

Please take care of my sparkling, I cannot take care of her myself. I just pray you can give her a better life than I ever could give her. My sparkling's Designation is Vira if you decide to take her in. Im forever in your debt, thank you.

The femme looked at the sparkling again after putting the note down as Vira stared back. Viras Optics looked straight into the femmes Optics, big and round as they were too adorable not to say no to them. The femme herself looked into viras and after some thought, she made up her processor. Taking Vira out of the box again and into her arms as little Vira cooed softly and snuggled into her once again. The femme was seen smiling at her before soon grabbing the blanket from the box too as she covered the little sparkling in it like a little bundle. A bundle of joy literally as Vira yawned cutely before falling asleep in her arms, feeling safe and loved. The femme soon took her away as she walked back to her home.

"Welcome to the family Vira. My Designation is Melody, but you can call me carrier from now on"

Melody said after revealing her name, walking down the street as she got some looks from nearby bots. Since usually minicon sparklings were smaller than the one she was holding right now. Still, she ignored them and just went to her home, which was a house, it was a family heirloom that was passed down by more than 7 generations. Yet it was old and seemed ready to just fall apart since Melody wasn't rich, more like the opposite since she was poor to be considered like a beggar. Yet Melody usually went to look for food, sometimes having to steal since she couldn't take the hunger sometimes. Opening the door and going in as the door gave an eerie creak before being closed again. Yet the inside looked a lot better than the outside, just still old looking. Melody was walking to the stairs before walking up them and soon reaching a room as she pushed the door open it sent another creak like the entrance. Went over to the berth and soon put Vira on it gently, before climbing onto it herself and soon holding onto Vira in her arms. Closing her Optics as she tried to recharge, soon succeeding.

Outside two mechs were fighting over credits before suddenly one pulled out a blaster and shot the other mech as the other one fell down and offlined. Muffled femme screams were heard all around too, even yelling and crashing happening. Blaster shots were heard again, it was bad during the night. Yet when morning came, the police only did but one thing. Send the cleaning crew to clean up any new bodies. That was it, the system was being corrupted already on the lower levels. Yet when you went to the rich and middle-class bots, they had way better things and protection from the police. There if you committed any type of murder, you were arrested and sent to prison. Here the rules were broken and ignored, many lived in fear. Others were being killed every day, someone had to do something about this.

But who would?

No one had the courage to

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