First Day Of Being A Teacher

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Y/n: *Goes to the clones room*

Clones: *Sleeping*

Y/n: *Walks to Aizetsu* Psst Ai, wake up you have school *Waking him up*

Aizetsu: Hmmm..*Wakes up and yawns* Good morning Nee-chan...

Y/n: Good morning, help me wake the others up ^^

Aizetsu: Mk...Urogi wake up...*Shaking him*

Urogi: Mmmghhh...

Y/n: *Goes to Sekido* Psst Seki wake up you have school today ^^

Sekido: *Wakes up* Hmmm...alright..

Y/n: Good morning and please wake up Karaku ^^

Sekido: Good morning and ok..

Y/n: Thank you *Goes to Zohakuten* ^^

Zohakuten: *Cuddling his dragon plushie*

Y/n: Zohaaa wake up you have school ^^

Zohakuten: Hmmm...five more minutes please...

Y/n: *Sighs* alright ^^ *Picks him up and carries him in a baby way*

Zohakuten: Mhhh...

Y/n: *Goes to to the kitchen and puts Zoha in a chair*

Zohakuten: *Still sleeping*

Y/n: Guess someone didn't sleep early *Puts down all of their breakfast meal*

Clones: *Goes in the kitchen*

Y/n: Good morning my baby brothers! Have a seat ^^

Urogi and Karaku: Good morning Nee-chan! *Sits down*

Aizetsu: Good morning..*Sits down*

Sekido: *Yawns* Good morning..*Sits down* and please, stop calling us "baby brothers" we're adults now..

Karaku: Me and Urogi don't mind it tho!

Urogi: Mhm!

Sekido: Of course you two don't..💢

Karaku: Same goes to Zoha as well!

Sekido: He's the youngest of course he doesn't mind being called little or baby brother 💢

Y/n: Ok ok don't fight you two, all of you just woke up *Sits down* and Seki I'll still call you guys baby brothers but not in public tho since I know you'll be embarrassed

Sekido: Thank you

Y/n: You're welcome! Now eat ^^ *Shakes Zoha a bit* Psst Zoha wake up, your 5 minutes is up ^^

Zohakuten: Hmm..*Wakes up and yawns*

Y/n: Good morning ^^

Zohakuten: Good morning..what's for breakfast..?

Y/n: Pancakes with berries ^^

Zohakuten: Oh ok..

Y/n: I guessed you didn't sleep well? *Grabs a slice of pancake* Ahhh ^^

Zohakuten: Yea..its because of Urogi's snoring..Ahhh..*Eats the pancake* Hump!

Y/n: Uro

Urogi: Heheh sorry 😅

Y/n: It's fine ^^ Zoha if Uro is snoring again you can come to my room, so you can sleep peacefully ^^

Zohakuten: Okii!

Sekido: Zoha is gonna go to your room every night (¬_¬)

Aizetsu: Yea..

Urogi: TwT

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