"That was fun, maybe we should play more often."

"Come with me and my coven and you will be treated like royalty." Aro said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No thank you."

"Hmmm. Pity." He smiled. "Well, the offer stands on the table. If you ever change your mind just come to Volterra."

He turned his back and began walking away with several of the others. The only one that didn't make a move was Jane who was eying me.

"Jane, come." Aro finally spoke.

She frowned and then turned away before she ran off with the others. When I was alone I grabbed my purse and rose to my feet before I quickly ran off in the opposite direction.

As the stores blurred past me several things went through my mind. The first is that I was tortured by the Volturi, the second is that they wanted to offer me and spot with their coven. Lastly, I said no to their offer and I was still alive. Of course the last made sense more then the others because I'm no use to them dead. They had hopes that I would change my mind in the future.

I didn't stop running until I was inside the hotel lobby once more. I went straight to the elevator and rode it up to the top before scanning my card key to get to my floor. The second I was inside the door I knew I was in trouble.

"What," I gulped. "what are you doing here?"

Staring right back at me was Jane, an evil smile was twisted upon her face. Wait... where was Jake. I moved towards the bedroom but she was standing in front of me before I could complete my step. She pushed me against the wall and then sniffed my neck where my carotid artery was.

"You smell nice." She teased.

"What have you done with Jake?" I asked.

She released me before walking over to the bedroom and pushing the door open just enough for me to see his limp body. "You mean doggy boy." Her head tilted to the side. "I may have given him a dose of his own medicine. I mean seriously what did he think would eventually happen if he hung around vampires." She laughed. "Now.. I know Aro will be made if I killed you but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun." Her smile twisted.

I was on my back before I felt the pain. It flooded my body like a fire burning through a drought stricken forest. There was no putting it out and the harder I tried to not scream the hotter it burned.

"PLEASE STOP!" My words were broken and mangled by the screams I released.

After five minutes of her torture she released me. I lay panting and shaking on the floor doing my best to keep her in my line of site.

"Pppplease Jane, let me see Jake. Just let me comfort him until the pain is over."

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Sure, why not. The more the merrier." She skipped into the room and then returned before she dropped Jake at my feet.

I quickly scrambled to hover protectively over him. "Jake.... I'm here. I'm here." I cried as I wiped some blood off his lip.

I heard him groan before his eyes fluttered open. "Nezz-may. Get out of here, go." he said, his words garbled from the blood in his mouth.

"Where did she bite you?" I asked desperately, ignoring his words.

He shook his head just as Jane laughed. "Did you really think I'd let you miss out on all the fun. I just knocked him out so I wouldn't have to listen to his pathetic threats. His voice really is annoying." She scoffed. "But now that you are here and he is awake why delay, hmmm." She shoved me against the wall. Before I could move I saw her lean down to his neck and bite him.

"NO!" I screamed as I lunged at her and knocked her away from him.

Not even seconds after I hit her did the burning pain return. I was lost and drowning in the pain, there was no way out except one but I knew that would be too easy for her meaning no fun.

"Renesmee." I heard a distant voice call. It sounded like my father.

"Daddy." I cried. "I want to die."

I was jolted up from the sound of Jane's screams. When I opened my eyes I saw her body in pieces. She was nothing more then dismembered limbs. Then I remembered.

"Jake!" I moved to his side and placed my hands on either side of his face. "Jacob, please don't leave me."

I felt my fathers hand on my shoulder. "Renesmee the venom has spread yet you can still save him by sucking it out of him."

I shook my head frantically. "You do it daddy I'm scared."

He shook his head. "Only you can do it, if I even attempt I'll kill him. I have venom and you don't."


"Renesmee, if you don't do this Jake is going to die."

Those words in that order jump started something inside me, something that made me brave. I knew his life was in my hands and I wasn't going to let him down. Without a second more of hesitation I lunged down at his neck and began sucking where Jane had bit him.

Then it was done.

Sunlight - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now