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The sun beat down gently on Caragan's face as she sat in the field, her eyes closed as she relaxed in the morning air. Warm tones lit up the small daisies in the grass and young robins tweeted in harmony. She was at peace until, eventually, the second bell rang - signalling the start of classes - and Caragan placed her shining helmet back over her head before she picked a sword from the holsters.

After long last, the rest of the class showed up and the teacher began to pair people up for duelling. He began to drone on, listing surnames until he got to Tedros and Caragan, "Pendragon you take the new one, teach Loxley how we fight here."

Tedros turned to the archer and smiled slightly, beginning to draw his enchanted sword as his opponent unholstered her glowing bow.

"No enchanted weapons." The teacher said quickly and the two students sighed before taking out the basic swords and getting into a fighting stance.

Immediately the two sped into action. Tedros swung the silver blade to meet his partner's side but was quickly met by Caragan pushing it out of the way with her hilt before twisting around and striking his armour with the side of the blade. He stumbled back slightly, not expecting the new one to be this good, before gaining his confidence back and clashing his sword back into hers, the blade landing too low and accidentally slicing into Caragan's finger. She hissed, yet showed no sign of slowing. Metal clanged loudly and sparks flew every now and again as the blades slid against each other. Most other students had stopped sparring to watch the fight, each cheering on and betting on the two. Kneeing Tedros backwards, Caragan pushed him over the end of her sword before standing tall in front of him, her sword pointed at his face. Tedros quickly pulled the helmet off his head, "Woah alright Loxley I surrender."

The students cheered as she wedged the sword into the ground and helped him to stand, their hands brushing slightly. Tedros noticed how soft his opponent's hands were despite the small calluses lining their delicate fingers. He looked up to face the still-masked knight, "you not going to take the helmet off?" he waited for a name.

"Caragan. And no."

Pushing away the feeling that he recognised Caragans voice, he smiled, "well, good match Caragan, maybe we can go again sometime."

She nodded and turned away, placing all her items on the table before lifting the helmet and her long brown her fell out softly, the light shining on it. She didn't turn back around, instead making her way directly toward the castle.

Tedros watched from the large willow he was leaning on, his hands fiddling with the lace of his shirt and confusion lining his features. He definitely knew that voice.

Eventually, the bell went off again and the boys all signed with relief, heading off to the groom rooms to grab their formal wear. Tedros didn't see Caragan again that day. Maybe they had different timetables, he thought to himself.

. ˚◞♡ ⃗ 🕊*ೃ༄

Lunch was a reasonably quiet affair but the Pendragon boy couldn't help but glance at the brunette girl in front of him, his eyes tracing over her calloused hands as she spoke to Reena. There was something about her. He felt like he knew who she was but he had only just learnt her name.

"Carrie, where did you get that cut?" Tedros asked curiously, noticing the small red mark on the bridge of her thumb.

She looked over to him, her eyes showing no trace of worry, "sliced it on a letter opener." She replied quickly before turning back to the conversation with her friends, making Tedros feel as though he'd somehow annoyed her. Caragan thought back to the sparring match this morning, a happy feeling gracing her heart when she remembered how much fun she had. The most she had had in a long while.

The days passed by and Tedros spoke with Caragan every now and again and, luckily for her, he had yet to piece together the very obvious puzzle that was right in front of him. Every once in a while, Caragan looked over to the prince to see him staring, his hand placed gently on his chin - though, he always looked away as soon as their eyes met.

From the corner of her eye, Caragan could see an extremely grumpy Never walk in and excused herself from the table to make sure Agatha was ok.

"Ag, you alright? Do you know this Never?" She said simply as she looked over to the Never, her eyes filled with wary. Her hair was a dirty blonde and littered with leaves and what looked to be a leech. That wasn't nearly as bad as the large red welts that decorated her face. Caragan kinda felt bad for her.

Agatha looked over at her and smiled slightly, "Yeah, um this is Sophie. She's- "

"The other reader. I gathered," Caragan held her bruised hand out to shake Sophie's, "I'm Carrie."

However, Sophie didn't take the Ever's hand, instead looking in disgust from the cuts littering it to her messy plait that was clearly done in a rush, "You don't look like a princess."

Caragan put her hands into the pockets of her dress and her smile dropped as she stared at the Never, "and you aren't as nice as I've heard. Guess we're beating stereotypes today, huh?"

Sophie huffed and turned to face her friend, "Why does she have a nickname for you?" She whispered, thinking Caragan couldn't hear.

Agatha sighed, "I didn't really get a choice, plus she's grown on me... kinda."

"Thanks, means a lot," Caragan butted in, "look, if you two are just gonna blabber about me like I'm not here, I'm gonna go back to annoying Beatrice." with that she turned on her heel and made her way back to the table, frowning slightly.

Sophie turned to Agatha, scowling, "if you're going to be an Ever, at least make more... refined choices with your friends."

Agatha looked up at her friend, a frown adorning her face now too, "at the moment, she seems better than you." the two turned away from each other and sat in silence, leaving the conversation there.

. ˚◞♡ ⃗ 🕊*ೃ༄

A/N: YOOOOOOO, Sage posting even though she's on hiatus? no way! i took a break from studying for y'all so I hope you like it, the drama is starting

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A/N: YOOOOOOO, Sage posting even though she's on hiatus? no way! i took a break from studying for y'all so I hope you like it, the drama is starting......


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