~Lady Strange~ Pt.1

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Pairing: Eddie x metalhead!Reader

Warnings: none yet, I think

Series' general plot: Heavy metal is one of your biggest passions and you like to express yourself by wearing heavy makeup and mostly black clothes, chains and spikes. Your parents however force you to hide your personality because they care about keeping up pretenses and don't want people to label you as a freak. Something or someone unexpected might come in your life and shake things up. ;)

Word count: 3,4k.

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Heavy combat boots fall hard on the ground, your o-rings chain clinking against the metal buckle of your leather belt marking each one of your steps as you walk down the stairs of your porch and move on the sidewalk. Heavy metal music blasts at high volume in your ears from your worn out headphones, head tilting slightly back and forth in a hardly restrained headbanging while the song hits one of your all time favorite breakdowns.

Nothing empowers you more than listening to the high pitched electric guitars singing their heavy melodies accompanied by the chest-filling sound of the bass guitar and the rushed banging of the drums while you take your daily walk down the street. And today it feels particularly reinvigorating after you have been confined to your room for three whole weeks, no empowering walks for you except the one to reach the school and come back home right after, though you wouldn't exactly call it 'empowering'. In fact, it's the complete opposite of it. It feels degrading and you despise it. Yes, you absolutely hate going to school. Not because of the place per sé, you're a good student and have never particularly struggled with studying or getting good grades. Nor for your schoolmates who barely even glance at you. No, it's because of how you are forced to pretend you are someone you're not when you're there, because you're obliged to put on a good Christian girl face, clean from any impure makeup and wear the most plain of clothes your mother purposely chose for you so you can show everyone how completely normal you are. Definitely not a freak who listens to 'satanic music' or hides her face under dark heavy makeup and only wears black with the exception of silver chains and jewelry. You're not allowed to express your true self at school, nor during any big public event. Your parents can only accept what they call your eccentricities - but even then not without resentment - when you're at home or in places where no one who knows them can recognise you. "Hard to find such a place in a small city like Hawkins", you have always pointed out to them, also stressing out the fact that literally no one in town would be able to tell who you are when you're hiding under such a heavy make up and completely different clothes from those you are used to wearing in public.

Only with time and a long series of reiterated assurances and promises, you have successfully ripped out a grant from them, that allows you to go out for a walk, wearing your favorite black lipstick or one of your spiked chokers, or hang out with your friends showing off your latest band tee or ripped jeans. You had to assure them to make your friends promise not to tell their own parents about your... quirks. As if there ever was the need to. You only have one friend who can truly be considered as such and a bunch of acquaintances and every single one of them accepts you for who you are, unlike your parents.


You stop in your tracks when you hear a familiar voice call your name, screaming so loud that it even exceeds the chaos in your headphones. Before you can turn around, you feel two strong arms wrap around your middle and engulf you in a bear hug, making you gasp.

"I'm so happy to see you!!" Robin screams excitedly, jumping up and down, arms squeezing around your stomach. Your headphones slip from your head, coming down to graze the ground, held up by the wire and hovering in the air.

Eddie Munson x f!Reader [Stranger Things - One-Shots] Where stories live. Discover now