"Come on" he walked towards the house and started knocking on the door

After around a minute of waiting it opened up

"Riven" a middle aged woman came out and hugged him and kissed the top of his head

"Mum this is musa" riven introduced the two

"Hey it's nice to meet you" Musa smiled as she shook the woman's hand

"Come on in" she opened the door so the two teenagers could walk through

"Myra is in the front room if you guys just go through" the woman called as she locked the door

"Shoes" riven whispered as he kicked his off in the passage way Musa pushed her shoes off and followed after riven

They walked into a room that opened up and had high ceilings and a little girl about 5 years old sat playing with toys

"Hey trouble" riven walked up to the girl

"Rivy" she ran and jumped into his arms

"Mum said your back for the hole week" she quoted exitedly

"I am and I brought a friend" he put her down

"This is Musa" the little girl came and looked at Musa

"Your very pretty" she smiled at Musa

"So are you" Musa looked at the girl would had the same green eyes as riven and with wavey dirty blonde hair

The girl just giggled and went back to playing while Musa and riven took a seat on the sofa

"Do you two want any drinks or a snack" the woman came into the room and questioned

"No thank you" Musa smiled to the woman

"No thanks" riven leaned back into the chair

"Right I have written up a list of her general routine but just keep her safe and have fun she will fight you on bed time but it's 8 o'clock latest no exceptions" Rivens mum warned the little girl and she nodded in return

Rivens mum spent an hour showing Musa around and teaching her how to use everything since she was worried riven would mess it up and burn the house down and after a lot of goodbyes she had finally left

"I'm hungry" Myra looked at the two teenagers sat on the couch

"What do you want" riven questioned

"Hmm can we have pancakes riv please" she begged

"Really" riven took a deep breath

"Please" she gave puppy eyes to them both

"Fine but if they taste bad don't blame us" riven got up and headed to the kitchen

"Your mum said for free time you can play on the iPad or read your story books" Musa tried to confirm with the child

"Yeah I want iPad time" the girl sat on some pillows of the floor and turned on YouTube

"Just call if you need anything" Musa explained before she joined riven in the kitchen

"Do you have any idea how to make pancakes" riven questioned

"I have no idea Aisha always makes food for me or I just eat cereal" Musa was terrible at cooking and even worse at baking even if she followed the instructions perfectly she still managed to mess it up and riven was no better

"I'll Google a recipe" she added

"Right we need floor, 2 eggs, milk and sunflower oil" Musa listed and looked confused at the last item

Rivusa one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora