Infinite Darkness

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No voices were heard as the loud spinning of the helicopter rotor blades roared through the air. Leon stared out the window as Ivy looked over at him. The two had recently got back from a terrorist attack in Pittsburgh and were fairly annoyed that the White House needed them again. She leaned her head back on the seat as she closed her eyes preparing herself for whatever President Graham had for her and Leon this time. Ivy's eyes opened at the voice of the pilot speaking into the headset. She looked over at Leon who was still looking out the window. The pilot turned around to try and make small talk with Leon.

"Never gotten clearance to land that fast before. You must be special." He says as he waits for a second for Leon's response to reaction but nothing. The pilot rolled his eyes causing Ivy to laugh quietly. This causes Leon to look over to her.

"What?" He questions her laughing.

"Finally out of that head of yours?" Ivy smiles at him causing him to smile back at her.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He responds as the helicopter lands. The two exit and look to the White House seeing that the lights were out.

"Leon. Get your gun ready. Something isn't right." Ivy said loading her handgun as Leon nodded and did the same. The two run towards the building and entering in a different door than the entrance.

"Ivy, wait." Leon says as the two stop and listen. There was a mass of gunshots coming down the hall. The two sprinted towards the noise and saw an agent on the floor about to be pounced on by a zombie. Leon's quick reaction shot the zombie straight in the head causing it to fall back and die. The agent turned and looked up at the two.

"Ivy? Leon?" He said out of breath.

"Shoot them in the head. That stops them" Ivy said looking at the blood all over the floor and the fallen chandelier.

"C'mon." Leon said looking at the same sight as Ivy. The agent gets up and walks over to the two as they walk their way to the rendezvous spot in the White House. Leon opens the door to the main office where president Graham and other agents are hiding out protecting the president. Leon moves to a tall blonde guy who is opening the secret gun compartment and handing out rifles to the agents.

"SWAT's in route, they can handle the zombies up here and get the power back up. We'll head to the bunker." He says hesitantly handing Ivy a rifle. She snatched it from him and shot him a glare.

"Are they really zombies?" President Graham's scared voice said as Leon looks over to him.

"Yes sir, sorry we didn't get here sooner." Leon says looking over at Ivy who is checking the rifle for dust to make sure it is safe to use.

"Not at all, I'm indebted to you two for getting my daughter Ashley back. Besides, with you two here. We just might survive this." The president looked down. "I never thought what happened in Raccoon City would happen here..." Ivy looked up at Leon who was staring at her lost in thought again. She nudged him to pull him out of thought which worked as he smiled sadly at her.

"We all ready? Let's get the president to the bunker. Stay sharp out there." Jason says as everyone crowds around the president in a defensive formation as they all run down the hallway of the White House. Ivy quickly shot the few zombies that approached as they made their to the bunker.

"Why are they here?" Leon asked no one but himself but Ivy caught onto this and just shook her head. Once there the agents opened the door as the president and a few agents who were tasked to protect him stepped inside.

"Patrick, Ivy, stay with the president. Leon, Shen May, with me." Jason ordered as he tried to walk off but was stopped by Ivy.

"The president has enough agents with him. I'm going with you guys." She said sternly as Leon smiles slightly at her. The blonde agent did not like this.

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