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Nobody's POV:

Liam walked to his locker and notices Henry standing there, looking so cute and handsome.

"Hey, the boys are gonna do a marathon watching Scarier Things. Do you wanna watch it with them?" Henry asked.

"Uhm... I don't know. I'm not into scary things." Liam replied.

"Oh. I-it's ok. I was looking forward to watching it with you and the boys, but you don't have to come if you don't want to..." Henry answered, sadly.

"W-wait! Henry! I can make an exception! It seems interesting. Yeah, I'll do it!" Liam exclaimed.

"Ok, meet at Drew's house at 3:30!" Henry announced. Liam looked at Henry's eyes and it seemed that they sparkled, like the moon. He got so caught up in his trance, Henry had to ask what was wrong with him.

"Uh, Liam? Liam? Helloo? Liam?" Henry asked.

"W-what?! Huh? Oh, sorry! I-uh got distracted b-by something." Liam answered.

"WHAT?! D-distracted!? THAT was the best response I could say?! Ugh!" Liam thought grumpily.

"By what?" Henry asked, interested in what he had to say. Liam blushed at that question and covered his cheeks with his hands so Henry wouldn't see.

"T-the uh..." Liam was looking everywhere in something that seemed interesting enough to tell Henry. Finally, outside at the school courtyard, he saw some birds that looked like they were making beautiful designs as they flew. Quickly, Liam thought about a good lie to tell Henry. To Liam it seemed like it took a decade, but really, it just took a few seconds.

"The birds uhm, were making cool designs like stars and a moon crescent as they flew." Liam finally answered as Henry looked behind and saw the birds at the courtyard. Then, at the worst possible time, the birds made a heart shape. Liam blushed and thought,

"What are the possibilities for that happening?!" Liam thought as Henry glanced at him after seeing heart shape made out of birds (god, that sounds weird to say!).

"L-liam..." Henry whispered as he put out his hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam blushed hard. Henry got closer and closer.

"W-what are you doing..?" Liam stuttered, as Henry's lips were about to touch Liam's.

"Uh!" Henry exclaimed in surprise. He wasn't expecting Liam to talk all of a sudden.

"T-the birds are pretty, a-aren't they?" Liam stuttered as he asked, trying to escape the embarrassment. "He almost kissed me... HE ALMOST KISSED ME AAAAHHHH!!!! M-maybe he does like me after all." Liam thought. "I should see at the marathon tonight, maybe something will happen..."

436 words

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