Animal Crossing New Leaf

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I walked in the train, I was the only one,I guessed the train ride would take a long time, so I instantly just fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw a cat like figure walking towards me. "Hello, sorry to bother you but what is the time?", the cat said. "Ummm it is 5:20 pm", I replied. "Thank you, is this seat taken?", he asked. I opened my mouth to answer but the cat sat down anyways. "My name is Rover", Rover said. "Hi my name is Jessica", I said. " So where are you headed?", Rover asked. I wasn't sure if I should've told the cat where I was headed but I told him anyways. "I'm going to New Leaf village", I said. "Oh! I know that place my friend works there! Are you moving there?", Rover asked. "Yes I-", the train stopped suddenly. " We have reached New Leaf Village", the loud speaker said. "Well got to go this is my stop", I said taking a breath. Rover nodded and I walked away.


The wind blew across my face as I walked out of the train, that is when my life started to change. " Is that her? Could it be?", one person said. A dog dressed in an assistant uniform walk up to me. "Hello, you should get to work as soon as possible", the dog said to me. " Work?", I said. "You are the new mayor we have been expecting right?", she asked. I wanted to say no, I turned around and glanced over at the train station, there was no one there... could it be? I was a mayor? "Yes I am your mayor", I said. "Well then Mayor Jessica let me show you around, oh and here is map if you get lost", she handed me a paper. "Thank you and your name is?", I asked. She stopped and turned to me, "My name is Isabelle", she replied happily. "You should introduce yourself to the villagers" Isabelle said and walked away. "Meet me at town hall when you are done!".

Animal Crossing New LeafWhere stories live. Discover now