walking inside in the wide field, following the small sidewalk carefully the couple look at the puffballs, seeing a lone large tree stood in the field, taehyung's whole self beam with enthusiasm---

his foots run towards the tree leaving his husband behind, staring at him with fondness, taehyung hugged the tree with his arms grinning widely at the ravenette

jeongguk smiles fondly, their is no secret his husband love nature, and seeing him so happy brings a hint of peace in jeongguk's mind

"how did you find this place?---"

taehyung couldn't help but ask, jeongguk sigh a bit shrugging his shoulder "there was an client, the real owner of this filed was selling it, his mother was fond of dandelions plant, his father had made this filed for her---" jeongguk whispered standing beside his husband

" but after their death, it left abandoned" taehyung hums leaving the tree he crouches down looking at the puffball before he carefully pulk it out

he walked back setting under the tree leaning his body against the it to feel a bit ease from the pain on his back, and jeongguk wordlessly follow him---

the couple sat quietly looking at the rising sun peeking into once dark sky, bringing the light on it.

" do you know dandelions is symbol of hope, growth and healing?" taehyung whispered

the ravenette quietly listen to him, gazing other---

" no wonder she was fond of them--she must be a thoughtful lady" taehyung giggled looking back forth to the puffball in his hand and his husband

" and some believes--" the brunette trails bringing the dandelion in front of him "---if you can blow all the seeds off a dandelion with a single breath, then the person you love will love you back--" taehyung murmured blowing the seeds

but does it really happens?---

however when the sudden cold breeze flow in air, making all seeds turned back to them, hitting their faces, taehyung gasp stilling for a moment---

he coughed out, turning to look at jeongguk timidity, but he burst out of fist of laugh seeing the seed all over his husband's hair and face--

"oh my, jeongguk your hair--" taehyung chuckled extended his hand up to pick up the seeds throwing them away, his cold hand brush against his husband's pale skin

jeongguk gulp momentarily noticing the closeness and the touch, despite the cold weather his mind fuss with warmness---

and again for the nth time, his mind went back to moment in the bedroom, the previous scene running all over his mind, the mere soft touch of lips sending a wave of want in his sense

how it will feel kissing taehyung?--

the question again spark through his sense, leaving him in daze---

dusting away the last seed taehyung sigh, looking up at his husband, and only then he notice the daze look over jeongguk's face

what happened to him---

he thought "jeongguk?---" he whispered confusingly while backing away a bit when the ravenette cups his face, making him freeze on his place

the cold thumb graze over his face, causing his heart throbs hard with sudden nervousness--

" tae--" jeongguk whispered making the brunette gulped before his hums eyes wavering over his husband's face

and taehyung felt his heart skipping as a sudden warmth bloomed his heart seeing jeongguk leaning closer, closing the unwanted gap between them--

taehyung's mind went in daze with spark igniting when their lips brush for the first time

if he only know it wasn't the first time---

in middle of the dandelion field, under the lone tree, taehyung find his sense filling with dizzying sparks and warmth  feeling the lips impossibly soft against his own

they don't know if dandelion ever fulfill wishes however at this moment, their hidden wish had come true---

as the sun cast over the sky, his golden hue falling over the kissing couple with his warm ness, forgetting the world around them for each other they held one another closely.

and in their patch in the bare wet grass, just like those dense dandelions they thought not even the wind could tear them apart---

only if they know the wind has already decided their fates.


My single self tried hard to write a romantic moment, I won't be surprised if it wasn't that good 💀

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