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Connor, colin, and hank arrived at the house. All of them got out of the car and walked inside the house after hank unlocked the door. Colin kept a close eye on connor. "Well, I'll be going to bed now, you two get comfortable," Hank said before going to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then entering his room while closing the door behind him. Colin was focused on connor, he was playing with his hands a bit while they were on his sides. "All right, since connor hank went to sleep, we should go into standby mode, but we can't just do that while standing, because hank finds it weird and creepy, so we can lay down," Connor said. Colin simply nodded, colin went to get sheets for colin to lay down on, "Wait! Connor can I.....Lay down with you?" Colin said while being flustered. "Uhm..sure!" Connor was quite suprised by what colin said, but he didn't find any problems with him and colin sharing the same couch. Connor layed down on the couch, while making space for colin. Colin was rather hesitant at first, but eventually he layed down next to connor. Connor's backside was facing colin frontside, colin felt something, like his thirium began pumping faster and faster, he was at a loss of words, but he was happy, so happy to be so close to connor. Connor closed his eyes and went into standby mode while colin stayed up for a bit examining connor, before he went into standby mode, he sat up straight to look at connor's face, his face had a lot of blush on it, which had the blue color of thirium. 

Connor woke up from standby mode and sat up straight. Colin quickly woke up too because he felt connor getting up. "Good morning, colin," "Good morning, connor," Colin didn't quite expect that too come out of his mouth, they were both androids, and they didn't technichally "sleep" so why did he say that, why did he say "good morning" back? He wasn't deviant. "Could you please move to let me get off the couch?" Connor asked nicely, since colin was blocking connor's way. "Oh, sure," Colin quickly got off the couch and did what connor asked him to do, he wanted to get on his good side and stay on his good side, colin didn't want to upset connor, no he would 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 want that. Connor and colin heard hank's bedroom door open, "Oh, you two are already awake," Hank said as he yawned. Hank went to the bathroom to brush his teeth with clothes in hand to get dressed. Hank has been much more healthy since the androids won the revolution, and because connor was there by his side, he hasn't been drinking so much alchohol, but he still drinks it every once in a while, getting over his addiction will take some time, and he's been eating healthier too. In just a few mintues, they'll be heading to the DPD to solve another case, colin and connor waited patiently without saying anything until hank got out of the bathroom. All of them got out of the house and got in hank's car and began driving to the DPD.

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