A Friendly Chat

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You stood up from your desk and did some stretches. Bending all the way back, so your hair touched the floor. Your laundry basket caught your eye as you strained your spine. ‘ I need a break anyway, might as well.’ you thought to yourself. Then you proceeded to grab your laundry basket and your laundry mat card. There was no washer or dryer in your apartment so you usually went to the laundromat that was just behind the apartment building. Leaving out the  back door of the apartment building, you walked through an alleyway on your way to the back entrance of the laundromat. That door was only meant for employees but you made a deal with  Jack (the owner) so you could use it too. Jack lives on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex. You give him a copy of your newest books and he lets you go through the employee entrance and you get a discount on your monthly subscription. You went to where the washers & dryers were and put your dirty clothes in a washer after swiping your laundry mat card on the scanner located on top of it.   You sat down and started playing on your phone,you didn't want to get back to work so you fingered you'd just hang out here tell your cloths where done. Well sitting there you noticed it was quiet for a friday afternoon. Usually there were at least 2-5 people doing their laundry when you did yours. You looked around curiously.Only to find Bob standing right behind you.You almost jumped out of your seat.Wondering how you could have missed him. He was a fairly large guy.You'd think he'd be easier to spot.His back was faced towards you.he clicked the button to start the washer.

(y/n) “Good afternoon, Bob.”  

Bob slowly turned towards you.

Bob “Oh, hello…”

(y/n) “How have you been liking The apartment complex?”

Bob “I've already unpacked Almost everything,So I'm about settled in.”

(y/n)  “How exciting! Do you need help With anything?”

Bob Seemed to ponder the question for a bit. Bob Smiled widely.bob thought ‘i could invite them in, and when their back is turned my feast can begin’ Well thinking drool trickled from his mouth. ‘Whate, I can't do that. If I was going to keep being a cannibal I wouldn't have left the cult, this is a fresh start. I can't ruin that.’ he Blinked and wiped the drool Onto his sweater sleeve, His smile Softened with his face As he looked away, Slightly blushing. 

Bob “I… Can't think of anything I need help with right now, but Give me your number and I'll text you if I do.” 

(y/n) “Wow, didn't take you for a smooth talker. Sure, here you go.”

You handed him your business card.

Bob “You write books?” 

(y/n) “Yep, I specialize in murder mysteries.”

His smile widened Before he spoke.

Bob “did you know murder mystery author Anne Perry writes from experience, she spent five years in prison as a teen for murdering her friend's mother.”

(y/n) “I did not know that. Did you know there are two types of detectives: private and public. agents/ special agents, investigate, solve puzzles, gather records and facts, collect evidence of crimes, and interrogate witnesses. Detectives/ criminal investigators also plainclothes officers who interview people, collect evidence related to criminal cases, monitor accused people, examine records, participate in raids and arrests, and gather facts.”

Bob “I see...”

(y/n) “what's your job?”

Bob “I'm still looking for one. i was a butcher before i moved”

(y/n) “really is there a reason you moved?”

Bob “I needed a fresh start…”

Awkwardly moved his hand to hold his arm, While looking away Nervously.

(y/n) “Fair enough.”

Thoughts 'guess he's got a bit of a past’

The washer beeps to tell you it's ready to go in the dryer.

(y/n) “oh guess we've been talking for a while, sorry if i'm distracting you from something.”

Bob “you're not. I did all i needed to do, besides my landry”

Just then, the washing machine he was using went off. We both got our laundry Out of the washers and into the dryers. 

I couldn't help but notice most of his clothes were red or black. 

(y/n) “Is red your favorite color?”

Bob “... no”

(y/n) “oh….......uhm you excited for halloween? Tomorrow is october! So it will be spooky month”

As you said that you did the spooky month dance and he smiled and started dancing too. The two of you danced for a bit then after about a minute, then you had a thought.

(y/n) “hay bob would you like to go trick or treating with me this year? I know it's more for kids but it'd be fun to do it again.”

Bob “YES…”He said with a strange smile.

Bob “I mean… you're asking me?”

(y/n) “well, yeah. I want to get to know you more sense we will be seeing each other a lot.”

Bob “ok, what do you want to know~” 

You were caught off guard by his tone. You blushed a bit as you instinctively put your hand on The back of your neck.You rubbed your neck slightly and looked To the side while thinking. ‘What do I want to know about Bob?’ 

(y/n) “ Do you have A pet?” 

Bob “no”

(y/n) “where did you move here from”

Bob “from the place i lived before”

(y/n) “do you keep in contact with anyone there?”

Bob “no”

(y/n) “do y-” The dryer beeped. 

You started putting your clothes in the basket And continued talking.

(y/n) “have you made any new friends?”

Bob “... you?”

(y/n) “What? A charming guy like you only made one friend? You're joking.”

Bob Blush slightly And began to play with his hands.

Bob “i'm not exactly a social butterfly”

His dryer beeped and he gathered his clothes Into his basket. 

Bob “well i shou-”

(y/n) “let's walk together!”

Bob “... ok”

You were silently walking together for a bit, tell bob said “did you know human meat taste like pig, so it was given the name ‘long pig’”

(y/n) “ fascinating. Did you know Detectives rely on a network of informants they have collected over multiple years.”

The two of you continued to tell each other fun facts Until you are back at your Apartments. 

Bob Stared At his door.

(y/n) “... do, do you want to have dinner with me?”

Bob “Aren't you being forward~”

(y/n) “Oh, not on a d date.I just mean w we're already here, so…” You blush bright red.

Bob “I'm just teasing! haha Sure.”

His laugh was happy As you Gestured for him to come inTo your apartment.

Bob velseb x reader (spooky month)Where stories live. Discover now