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Todays the day, the day the 25 year old had been waiting for since she was little. Her first day at Arsenal!

Luckily for Dylan she already knew 2 of the Arsenal player, Caitlin and Steph her fellow Matilda teammates. But that didn't stop her from worrying, worrying that no one would like her, that moving to Arsenal was a bad idea and should of taken an offer from another club...

"Dylan for god sake stop thinking those things", she said to herself whiles sitting in her car waiting for the courage to walk inside the Arsenal training sight.

The whole morning she had been manically texting and calling Steph and Caitlin trying to get one of them to come with her but their answers where alway,
"No Dylan your are 25 not 12 do it yourself" or "you will be fine the girls will love you".

After 30 minutes of overthinking the situation, Dylan finally got out of her car and walked into the main entrance.
"Hello, you must be Dylan" the lady at the reception ask.
"Hello, yes I am" Dylan replied.
"If you come with me I'll take you to Jonas's office".

After signing her contract and taking lost a picture, there was a knock on the door,
"Come in", Jonas said.
The door fringed open and a very exited looking Caitlin ran over the Dylan, pulling into a hug.
"I missed you so much Dylan" Caitlin said.
"I missed you to Caitlin".
"You ready to meet everyone"
"Kinda i guess" Dylan quietly said to her Aussie teammate.
"Stop worrying they will love you, trust me on this one"
"Sure" Dylan replied.
Hope you like this chapter might get another one out tonight but im not sure.
The chapters will get longer just the next couple might be a bit short but when the story gets going they will be longer.

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