Part 8

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Hello everyone thanks for reading this just a reminder um I won't be able to write as much since I have tests to take and study for  but I'll try my best to update. And honestly the only reason I got motivation for this was because of you guys so thanks and enjoy!

3rd POV

It's been a few days since the training session with ink where 1a got tested. Ink noted down a lot of details about their quirks and handed it out to the students. He listed ideas for what they could do and how they could train to get better. Tho some students had their doubts and didn't believe in ink's teaching method, Bakugo. But so the sports festival was coming up and everyone had to prepare.

Ink did as much as he could while also maintaining the limits the students could go at. Since to ink they were fragile and weak and needed more training but at a slow pace.

Tho ink was thinking speeding it up after the sports festival since everyone was busy preparing.


*sigh* I have so much work to do with these students. I mean their not bad but compared to a baby sans they would be destroyed. Well most of them at least, the Izuku kid had some sort of plot armor that makes him overly powerful. I mean that kinda makes sense since in the script it says he is the main character and most of the stories are told through his perspective.

Wow the creator of this au must love this character a lot. Tho he is quiet weak still...hmmmm...don't worry creators I'll protect and nurture these children to protect themselves.

"Hey ink could you hurry up! The meeting is starting soon!" Says Aizawa.

"Huh?! It is!? Okay wait a sec I'm coming!"

"What took you so long?"

"Oh I was just analyzing the papers you gave me about the kids is all"

"Oh okay well you don't have to memorize them just know who is who"

"Oh okay! Soooooo where is the meeting being held?"

"In the teachers lounge since it has sound proof walls."

"Oh but isn't there anywhere else to go?"

"Hm? Well yeah there is but the majority of us teachers voted for the lounge." Aizawa says while opening the door to the teachers lounge

The inside wasn't really much, I've been in here multiple times usually on breaks and I always see at least one teacher in here. But when I walked in to the lounge the room looked much more smaller with at least 5-10 teachers.

"Oh Aizawa and ink are here. We can stay the meeting now guys!" Almighty says while addressing everyone in the room

"Well then let's start. Today's meeting will include the up coming sports festival and security issues. And before we dive deeper down does anyone have any questions so far? ... None? Okay then! Let's continue."

6 hours later


That was soooooo long. I mean I've been through longer meetings but this one in particular was so boring and I just couldn't stop myself from almost falling asleep.

"Hey you still there?" Aizawa says

"Mhm I'm just tired. *yawn*"

"Haha well you better get used to them since this was one of the more shorter meetings."


*walks away*

After I got myself out of shock I started to exit the building and into the dorms since to nezu I looked more like a kid to him than a teacher and that I should get a long with kids my age. And honestly by that time I was too tired to even talk back and just accepted. I wish I hadn't tho because the e sec I walked in I was greeted was a student tied to the ceiling.

"Ahhhhhhhhh helpppppp"

"*blink* *blink*"

I didn't even bother and walked to my room. *yawn* today was a long day but tomorrow was gonna be a even larger pain since the sports festival was tommorow.

????? POV
"So a sports festival eh?"

Love in a new multiverse errorinkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن