"Thanks, Julian," Bailey smiled softly. "It means a lot."

"Quit apologizing, silly," Julian said as he moved to sit next to the younger girl and stole one of her fries. "I'm just doing my job."


Adalynn and Brittany sat across from Mr. Schuester in his office, pad and pens in hand as they started the interview.

"Mr. Schue, thank you for being me and Adalynn's first interview for the Muckraker," said Brittany.

"No be honest, I had no idea either of you were the journalist type," said Mr. Schue.

"Yeah, I have a talk show on the internet," the blonde said. "Comments say that my questions are too gossipy, so I joined the school newspaper to learn how to ask the more hard hitting questions."

"That's fantastic, Brittany."

"I'm only here because she bribed me with coffee and a therapy session with her cat," Adalynn shrugged. "She's yet to follow through on the cat therapy, but she did take me to the Lima Bean before school today."

"So, question one," said Brittany. "Boxers or briefs."

"Uh... boxers," Mr. Schue said, a little weirded out by the question.

"Okay, question two. Panty hose or lace panties?"

"I just said boxers."

"Yeah, well, that wasn't one of the choices, so I'll just write down that you refused to answer the question," Brittany said as she wrote that down.

"Brittany, these questions are sort of gossipy," said Mr. Schue.

"Okay, what age did you start waxing your back?" the blonde asked.

"Brittany," the teacher said sternly. "I don't think these questions are very appropriate."

"I don't think you being around students is very appropriate," Adalynn snarked.

"Hard-hitting journalism is about asking the questions that people really wanna know," said Brittany.

"We need to address some rumors," the younger girl said as she looked at the note card Sue gave them. "How many students have you had affairs with?"

"Wait," Mr. Schue said, leaning over his desk. "There's a rumor about that."

"No denial," Adalynn smirked. "There probably will be now since you didn't really answer the question."


"Is it the truth? Or are you lying?"

"Like when you didn't give me a straight answer about the lacey panties," said Brittany.

"Girls, I'm sorry, but I need to work on some songs," Mr. Schue said, standing up.

"Are they songs for April Rhodes' one woman show?" the older girl asked.


"Because you're leaving the New Directions?"


"There's a rumor going around that you'd rather be on Broadway than coaching Glee Club," said Adalynn.

"Brittany, Adalynn, who gave you these questions to ask me?" Mr. Schue asked.

"Coach Sylvester said we're not at liberty to say," the brunette said.

"She told us that before she finished writing these questions," Brittany added as the bell rang.

"I thought so," Mr. Schue mumbled as the two girls left his office.


Sam had asked Quinn and Adalynn to babysit his little brother and sister, Stevie and Stacey, while he worked late to make his family a little extra money. Adalynn had just finished helping Quinn clean the dishes, and now she was helping put the littles to bed.

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