The Rito Champion fires a barrage of Bomb arrows at every angle, as the Hylian dashes forward to land a fire arrow and climbs on to it's back and strikes it's weak point. Unbeknownst to the both of them they didn't see the two attacks coming and both got hit sending them flying.

Revali: My head.

Sky: My entire body hurts. Revali!!

The Hylian opens his paraglider and closes it to fall faster than the Champion. He then opens it under him and glides to safety.

Sky: Sorry, but it was the only way for me to catch you.

Revali: How are you?

Sky: I'm ready to take down the enemy.

Revali: You are bleeding.

Sky: So I'm scratched, Who cares! We have a job to do.

Revali: You are correct.

Sky: Wait! Let me at least wrap bandages on your head.

Revali: Careful around the feathers.

Sky: There, we can take care of this problem now.

Revali: Can you get back up?

Sky: I think I don't have to, if you knock them down here.

Revali: I see. I'll bring them down then.

Sky: Good.

The Champion flies off as the Hylian falls to his knees seeing the blood on his forehead drip from his hair. Even though he's weakened he prepares his fire arrows and bomb arrows, He then pulls out a blade gifted to him by the elder and put's it on his back ready for the plan.

Then two giant figures fall and he launches bomb arrows at the two's giant boulders for hands and destroys them. He sees his ally and throws the blade, the Champion grabs it and once a fire arrow melted it's cold exterior he attacks and destroys the first one.

The Hylian fires the second fire arrow at the second talus, the Rito attacked with his blade until it got up. The Hylian prepares a bomb arrow and aims for it's new boulder to throw however, his vision gets blurry and struggles to aim. The Rito seeing his face, realizes this and ordered to fire, which the Hylian followed, and made the monster reveal it's weak spot again, the Champion ends the battle with the two able to breathe, the Hylian falls to his knees, and faints face on the snow now being painted red as the Champion flew away.

Sky: My head.

Mipha: Sky!!

Sky: Mipha? Are we at Hyrule castle?

Mipha: No, we are in Rito village, and I'm healing you with the help of some of the villagers.

Sky: Where's Revali?

Mipha: With the Elder.

Sky: My body feels better.

Mipha: Good, I'll focus on the head.

Sky: Wait, did Revali contact you?

Mipha: Yes, he allowed me to come and help you with the Elder's permission.

Sky: Ok

Mipha: I need a cold cloth.

Sky: Huh?

Mipha: You have a cold too

Sky: I feel it now.

Mipha: There, all better

Sky: I'll clean myself up

Mipha: Good

Later after Sky leaves the room and sees the Rito children.

Sky: Hello

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