House Lannister: House Lannister of Casterly Rock was allowed to keep their family holdings in the westerlands after they bent the knee, following defeat at the Field of Fire. The Lannisters became Wardens of the West.

House Martell: House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear retained their independence in Dorne for a time

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House Martell: House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear retained their independence in Dorne for a time. When the Martells eventually joined the Seven Kingdoms, they were allowed to retain their title of Prince of Dorne.

Great Houses established by the Conquest

House Targaryen: House Targaryen of Dragonstone obtained dominion over most of Westeros, and settled in King's Landing in the newly-established crownlands

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House Targaryen: House Targaryen of Dragonstone obtained dominion over most of Westeros, and settled in King's Landing in the newly-established crownlands.

House Targaryen: House Targaryen of Dragonstone obtained dominion over most of Westeros, and settled in King's Landing in the newly-established crownlands

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House Tully: House Tully of Riverrun was awarded rule of the riverlands as Lords Paramount of the Trident, for supporting Aegon against House Hoare.

House Tully: House Tully of Riverrun was awarded rule of the riverlands as Lords Paramount of the Trident, for supporting Aegon against House Hoare

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