Aegon I Targaryen and his sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys Targaryen, conquered only six of the seven kingdoms, consolidating them under the rule of House Targaryen and the Iron Throne. Among the titles that Aegon received when crowned King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men in the Starry Sept in Oldtown, however, was "Lord of the Seven Kingdoms".

Aegon and his successors laid claim to Dorne, the seventh realm, though in truth the Iron Throne would not add Dorne to its domains for another two centuries, when the southernmost land joined peacefully through marriage.

However, a shrewd bit of political maneuvering served a dual purpose for the Targaryens before Dorne joined the realm. By granting the riverlands to Edmyn Tully and splitting it apart from the Iron Islands, Aegon not only gained a valuable ally, but created what could be termed a seventh kingdom, even as Dorne resisted integration into Aegon's new realm. While this was but a technicality, it was an important one for a realm that made much of the number seven.

Great Houses

Due to the vast size of the new kingdom, in each region Aegon I Targaryen raised Great Houses who swore fealty to him, mostly the former ruling dynasties. The lords were granted a degree of autonomy and granted authority over their bannermen and smallfolk. Wardens are generals who defend their regions.

Aegon established his new realm's capital on the spot of his landing at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, for which it was known as King's Landing. The area around King's Landing, which had also been a battleground between several kingdoms, constituted the royal demesne and became known as the crownlands. Within the crownlands, Dragonstone was successively granted to the heir apparent to the throne, the Prince of Dragonstone.

Great Houses that survived the Conquest

House Stark: House Stark of Winterfell chose to submit and was confirmed as overlords over the north and Wardens of the North

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House Stark: House Stark of Winterfell chose to submit and was confirmed as overlords over the north and Wardens of the North.

House Stark: House Stark of Winterfell chose to submit and was confirmed as overlords over the north and Wardens of the North

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House Arryn: House Arryn of the Eyrie submitted and retained the Vale of Arryn as Wardens of the East.

House Arryn: House Arryn of the Eyrie submitted and retained the Vale of Arryn as Wardens of the East

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