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The people took Rocky out of the van and carried him inside a building, which looked very old and run down. Every wall had rust coming down from them, garbage was everywhere, and it smelled like it hasn't been cleaned, making it smelled like rotten food. They took the frightened mixed breed pup to his cage as they threw him in it, as the mysterious people closed the cage behind him. Rocky was in a lot of tears as he didn't know what was going to happen to him.

Rocky: w...what are you gonna do to me!? I demand an answer!!!!

?: hmhmhmhmhmmm you are in ........the pup fights

Rocky: *gasps* PUP FIGHTS!!!!!!!?!?!

?: yep! So be ready little pup, cause you will die! *chuckled evily*

Rocky: no! I....I can't f...fight! I just want to go home

?: you aren't ever going home. Besides, you are just what we need for the greatest part of the show. So get really comfortable mutt, it's gonna be a wild adventure for you *left*

Rocky: NO!!!!! PLEASE!!!! *tears up* i..I don't want to be here.......I want to be with my mom, dad, and my brother........*began crying*

The little grey pup then curled himself into a ball, crying himself to sleep. Wondering, will he ever see his parents and brother again?

Well with Joshie, it wasn't good for him either. The cops were doing everything they can to find Rocky, but it felt like it was taking forever to find him. Which upset Joshie so badly that the little boy became depressed. This was really bad timing since he had to go to school during the next day, but the only good thing was Reggie wasn't going to be there for school for the entire week, he was out of the state for the week. So for Joshie, no bullying. But that didn't matter to him, all Joshie just wanted to have was his brother back.

J&R Mother: Joshie honey? School

Joshie:.......*slowly got out of bed*

J&R Mother: ohh honey, do you think your going to be okay at school today?

Joshie: i..I don't know *tears streaming down his face*

J&R Mother: oh sweetheart, should we try?

Joshie: *slowly nods while tears flowing*

Joshie's Mother managed to drop him off at school as he walked slowly into the building, tears dropping every step and falling on the ground like rain drops. The poor boy reached his locker and just...sat down by it, looking down at his hands, tears dropping one by one. Now, Joshie felt lonely. No one came over to help him, that is except for Mr. Wilson. Who was informed about Rocky, so he knew why Joshie was in major tears. He knelt down to the young boy and put his hand on Joshie's shoulder.

Mr. Wilson: hey bud, do you just want to sit in my room for the whole day?

Joshie couldn't function well without his brother there, so he had a hard time trying to talk and say anything about well...........anything. he wishes he didn't have to feel this way since he felt pathetic having that it was ridiculous to not function right because Rocky was pup-naped and taken away from him. Seeing that Rocky was the one to make Joshie feel happy, which was to rely on Rocky. But it's much more than that, because Rocky and Joshie had a really REALLY hard time to make friends, the two of them managed to become friends once they first met each other.
So they weren't just brothers, they were best friends and knew they couldn't live without each other being by each other's side. But now, Rocky wasn't by Joshie's side. And because of that, Joshie hardly couldn't function well, even for school.


Mr. Wilson: I think it's best that he stays in here for the whole day *talking to Principal Slinky on the phone*

Principal Slinky: yeah, the poor boy must be really upset

Mr. Wilson: and I don't blame him, not one bit

While Mr. Wilson was on the phone, Joshie started to become sad and angry at the same time. As now, he was starting to have a melt down. His vision only focused on rage, his head started to shake, tears fell viciously through his eyes, he started breathing heavily, and then started to hit himself badly. Mr. Wilson saw him and quickly went to Joshie and grabbed his hands to get him to stop, but it was no use. Joshie kept on freaking out as Mr. Wilson quickly took him to the office. Mrs. Mary was in there just getting some copies of a quiz that her students had to take, but she soon noticed Mr. Wilson carrying Joshie as he came in.

Mr. Wilson: you have to help him while I'll go call his mother

Mrs. Mary: okay, I will try

Mr. Wilson quickly took to the phone as Mrs. Mary set Joshie on the chair, to help him calm down.

Mrs. Mary: Joshie, Joshie? Breathe......just breathe..

Joshie: I CAN'T BREATHE!!!!!!!!!! I just can't do it!!!!!!! I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't! *lot of tears fell out*

Mrs. Mary: shhh shh shhhh, it's gonna be okay sweetheart. I know it seems horrible right now, but it will be all back to normal Joshie

Joshie: *sniffs alot* Rocky is not just my brother, h...he's my b..best friend *tears streaming*

Mrs. Mary: I understand that perfectly sweetie, I really do. But just make sure tha.......

Joshie: and I have......separation anxiety from him

Mrs. Mary: awww dear *hugs him tightly*

As Joshie hugged tightly back, he began sobbing hard. Mr. Wilson then just finished calling Joshie's Mother as he went to go tell him about that she was going to go get him. But he still didn't care, he just wanted to see his brother once again, and for Rocky to come back home safe and sound. But it seemed like it was too much to ask for. Once he was brought back home, Joshie ran to his room again crying his eyes out. He grabbed fluffy and talked to him about the struggle he was facing.

Joshie: what a...am I gonna do fluffy? *sniffs*


Joshie: no! I....I refuse to sing our brother song without him


Joshie: i...i...I know fluffy......i..I have to be strong for my brother but......I.......I can't *tears dropping* but I guess........i....I should............


Joshie:....................🎶my pal, it really feels empty without you here 🎶

Back with Rocky.

Rocky: 🎶my pal, it's getting dark in here without you here🎶

Joshie: 🎶it goes to show how much we need each other, so much then ever🎶

Rocky: 🎶when will I ever see you again my brother 🎶

Rocky and Joshie: 🎶myyyy paaallll🎶

Rocky: *tears streaming* JOOOOOSSSHHHIIIEEE!!!!!!!


The both of them started crying once more, letting their tears fall down from their eyes. They didn't know when they would see each other again, but they knew, when they finally did see each other again, they would give each other a really big hug. But it seemed like............that was never going to happen...........

Or could it.....

To be continued!

Everyday Brothers! S1!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ