Jennie came around the counter, setting both plates down, and then ungracefully hopped onto the stool next to Lisa's, smiling softly at her before digging in with gusto. Guess she really was hungry.

Lisa smiled back, slightly amused, before looking down at her plate and pausing, the smile slowly slipping from her face.

"What's wrong?" Jennie asked, looking at her curiously as she poured an excessive amount of sugar into what was sure to be the umpteenth cup of coffee for the day.

"Uh, nothing." Lisa continued to stare down at the plate in front of her, nonchalantly comparing it to Jennie's sitting next to her.

One of these things is not like the other.

Six Years and Nine Months Earlier...

She looked across the table, smiling at the sight of her girlfriend, pulling thoughtfully on her bottom lip as she carefully looked over the menu in front of her, clearly at a loss. It was early, at least for Lisa, and they hadn't gotten much sleep after she'd woken up to find Lisa staring down at her, smiling softly. But they both knew they probably wouldn't have that much time to see each other over the next few days so Jennie had been able to easily convince Lisa to give up an extra hour of sleep in favor of breakfast at her favorite diner.

"Alright, you two decide yet?" Their server had come back three times now and each time, Jennie had politely asked for just a little longer since apparently, Lisa was at a loss. But this was starting to border on ridiculous.

"I will have the mushroom and cheese omelet, please. And white toast with Nutella." The server wrote it down while she popped her gum, clearly bored, before turning to Lisa.


"Oh come on, Lili! It's breakfast, not rocket science," she said with a giggle.

"In case it's failed to grasp your attention, I'm never awake for breakfast, creampuff," she snarked back. But Jennie just smiled, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "Ugh, fine. I'll have the same but no mushrooms, they're disgusting. And wheat toast, please."

"There, was that so hard?" Jennie asked as their server snatched up their menus and walked away. Lisa just rolled her eyes and sat back in the corner of their booth, propping her boot on the seat and leaning her head back, her eyes heavy but a soft smile on her lips. Jennie stared at her girlfriend clearly the epitome of cool, and once again shook her head in wonder, still a little amazed that Lisa was hers and only hers. How in the hell did that happen? Not that she was complaining, but she still was completely mystified about how she'd landed this girl.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she leaned forward onto the Formica table, hoping to distract Lisa enough so that the blonde girl wouldn't fall asleep and they could enjoy what little time they had left together that morning. "So... you really don't like mushrooms?"

"Ugh, god no. They are vile. And of course, it'd be the one vegetable you actually don't have an aversion to," she answered, her face a mask of repulsion, taking another sip of the coffee in front of her.



"Nothing," Jennie giggled. "I just... I like learning new things about you. I feel like I still have a lot to learn."

"Oh, you have no idea, cupcake," Lisa said with a smirk.

"So, tell me something else." She reached across the table, loosely linking her fingers with her girlfriends, and smiled when Lisa let her thumb graze back and forth across her own, a move she was rather fond of and one Lisa seemed to unconsciously do anytime their hands met. Lisa gave her another smirk and side eye, before leaning forward just a tad as though she was about to share a scandalous secret.

Flash From The Past | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now