Chapter 25: Reunion

Start from the beginning

-Time passed as The five of Them enjoyed each other's time. Kyoya slept away resting His head on the table while Megumi enjoyed the food the cafe provided. Itadori and Yuko recollected and telled stories of Their life after school while Nobara stayed by Itadori's side. Ready to intervene if ever The boy said anything wrong or insensitive



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Itadori: "See You whenever We see each other again Ozawa!!" *We see Itadori and Kyoya escorting Yuko Ozawa to the nearest train station. Itadori smiled like always while Kyoya gave a lazy wave and a smile*

-Yuko watched as The two ascended up the Station Stairs to the surface while She stood there waiting for The train. Covering Her face either in embarrassment or in tears. When Itadori and Kyoya stepped up the last flight of stairs. They hear Megumi and Nobara arguing other something. Itadori was still climbing up the stairs while Kyoya heard it

Nobara: "I already have Her phone number to keep in touch and report on Itadori whenever There's signs He's looking at another woman... but... It still annoys Me how Baby Face down there's got more Romance Game than Me!! Don't You believe it Me!! I'm like, The Queen of Romance and Love!"

Kyoya: "I knew You had a ulterior motive to getting Kyoya and Ozawa together" *He finally joins with Megumi and Nobara with Itadori still lugging behind* "You really are the most competitive of Us first years"

Nobara: "Shut up! Let's just get Home. I hate it here, Too many couples. Reminds Me of My none-existent love life!"

Kyoya: "That, I can agree with!!" *He pulls out His phone to call Akari Nitta to give Them a ride home*


-Our point of view shifts. We now join Kiyoko Otori as She lunges against Her office chair. We are back at Tokyo's Jujutsu Technical School. Inside dark and dimly lit Her office, Kiyoko had reached a dead end in Her new case. She can't find or pinpoint Who could have possibly breached The veil that surrounded the entire school

-Resting Her legs over the tabletop, She fishes for something inside Her pocket and pulls it out. It was The Jujutsu Tech Brooch that every qualified sorcerer wears during Their time learning under Their school's teachers

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