"I know, I know what you're thinking.  Apparently there's some kind of major storm forecast in New York for the next couple weeks and Mom was afraid we'd be stuck there.  So now I'll be able to spend New Year's with all you guys!" She told me chirpily, while I tried not to pale at what she'd said. Grace was coming with me, to my brother's gig, where I'd promised to meet Aaron for New Years. I really was screwed.


         "So, what're you wearing tonight?" Grace asked me, as she walked over to my wardrobe and began to rummage through it. After two days of trying to find a solution to my current predicament, I had zilch. Thanks to Grace's early return home, I now had to work out a way to have Aaron at the party, while also not letting Grace know anything was up. Why these problems couldn't be like a math equation was beyond me. Life would be so much easier then. A plus B equals C.

         "I hadn't given much thought to it really. I suppose I'll just throw on a t-shirt and jeans." I shrugged, not really focused on what Grace was saying, instead trying to find ways to save my skin from Grace if she ever found out I was into Aaron as much as I was. I'd texted him last night, informing him of the situation, after I'd exhausted all other possibilities within my brain, but he'd still not text me back yet. I knew I shouldn't have done it, it was a horrific idea. I mean, just after a guy tells you he likes you is not the time you start unloading all your problems onto him now, is it?

         "Seriously Tara, you're going to wear a t-shirt and jeans for New Year's Eve? Don't you want anyone to kiss you when the ball drops?" She asked, causing me to snap my head in her direction to find her brown eyes on me. To answer her last question, yes I did want someone to kiss me when the ball dropped, however who it was would not be a wise thing to mention at this exact moment, especially to Grace.

         "Yeah, you're right. What was I thinking? I'm sorry Grace; I'm just a mess right now."  I told her, shaking my head to try and dispel any thoughts of Aaron's kisses from my mind. That was one thing I should definitely not be thinking about while around Grace. My God I was such a horrific friend, I really, really was.

         "It's okay, I'm sure you're just worried about the guys tonight. They'll be fine Tara, trust me." She said, giving me a reassuring smile before turning her attention back to my closet, which was steadily becoming more and more barren as Grace delved deeper and deeper into its murky depths.

Yeah, because Toby was the guy I was thinking and peppering about right now. I was so going to hell for all this.

         "What about this dress?" She asked, holding out a black dress which nipped in at the waist and was covered in silver sequins. I liked it, but didn't ever remember seeing it before. I really needed to clean out my wardrobe more often.

"That's not my dress, is it?"       

         "Yeah, we got it when it was on sale last October, remember?" Grace then asked me, shaking the hanger in her hand as if by doing so, my memory would miraculously be restored. Needless to say it didn't really work.

         "Not really."

         "Well, you were worried that it was too short and I told you that you had to buy it because it was fifty per cent off." Grace reminded me, hoping that it would jog my memory. It didn't, but I felt it wouldn't be wise to let her know that, so I just decided to nod my head and play along, pretending as if I remembered.

         "I don't think it'd be all that appropriate for tonight though." I said, now scrutinizing the length of the dress. It looked to be mid-thigh, which wasn't that short I supposed, but still. My family might have been there.

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