"You're up!" She whispered.

I whipped out my notepad and walked over to the couple right away.

I smiled as brightly as I could, even though that wasn't my thing.

"Hey, I'm Hailey and I'm going to be your server tonight. Can I get you something to drink?"

Time flew by, and I was so busy taking orders and serving food I didn't even realize it was 6:30 now. I set down my last plate of food to a family of 4 people and then I changed back to my school clothes in the bathroom.

I went over to the checkout station and swiped my card that Ally gave me, which checked me out for the night.

Ally came rushing over to me now as I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"You did awesome today!"


"I'm so excited that I have someone my age working here! Everyone else is older."

I cocked my head. I didn't see her at Westside. Well, I might've. I just wouldn't know.

"Do you go to Westside High School?" I asked her.

"No, I go to Omaha High School a couple miles away. I'm a junior too." She said.

I nodded.

"Well, I'd better get going. Homework and all." I said.

"Yeah, of course! I work another hour. I'll see you tomorrow." Ally said.

I waved as I walked outside into the chilly air.

I groaned inwardly when I realized I had to walk to Jack's house.

I started quickly because I didn't want to walk in the dark. Dusk was settling in as I walked down the sidewalk.

I pulled my coat tighter around and sped up my pace and I finally arrived at Jack's house as the sun set.

I walked up the porch and rang the doorbell. A minute later, a woman with a blond hair cut to her chin opened the door. When she saw me, she smiled brightly.

"Oh, hello! You must be Hailey! It's so nice to meet you! I'm Jennifer Johnson." She held out her hand to shake.

"Please, come in!" She said kindly.

I smiled and walked in as the the house lights swallowed me up.

"Jack! Hailey's here!" She called.

She looked at me.

"Jack's upstairs. He'll be down in a second. Sit down, make yourself at home."

I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Can I get you anything to drink or eat? Did you have dinner?"

I shook my head and my stomach growled for emphasis.

"Here, let me hear up some lasagna for you."

"Oh no, it's fine." I said.

Mrs. Johnson held her hand up.

"Please, it's my pleasure."

I smiled gratefully as she took some food out of the fridge to heat it.

I heard someone come running down the stairs.

Jack appeared into the kitchen and smiled slightly when he saw me.

"Hi." He said.

Just then, Mrs. Johnson set a plate of steaming lasagna in front of me. I thanked her and dug in. Jack sat across from me and waited until I was done.

"So Hailey, Jack tells me you just moved her a month and a half ago...how do you like Omaha?" Mrs. Johnson asked me.

I shrugged.

"I guess I like it so far." I said honestly.

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

"Have you made any friends?"

"Nobody besides Jack."

Jack grinned meekly.

"Well, that's nice! Did you-"

"Mom! Stop asking questions! We have to do our homework." Jack said to his mom. I tried not to laugh.

I stood up now.

"Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Johnson."

"Please, call me Jennifer."

I smiled at her again and Jack led me upstairs to his room.

I looked around. His room was painted a dark blue and his bed covers matched his wall. His floors were surprisingly neat, no clothes strewn everywhere. He had a big fish tank on top of his dresser with cool different colored fish. He also had a big window with a window seat, complete with a blue cushion. An orange and white tabby cat lay sleeping on the cushion. Pictures and quotes of books he liked were on the walls.

"It's nice in here." I commented.

Jack's cheeks flushed red.

"Thanks. I try to keep it as nice as possible."

I nodded. "Well, you're doing a good job."

We sat down on Jack's bed across from each other. We got our English binders out from our bags. The cat on the window seat woke up now due to the noise and prowled over to the bed, hopping on.

I grinned, as the cat settled right where we needed to put our binders.

"Who's this?" I asked as I petted it's soft fur.

Jack groaned.

"That's Orange Creamsicle."

I burst out laughing at the name.

Jack turned red again.


"Orange Creamsicle?"

"Look, I named her when I was seven, alright? I thought she looked like an orange creamsicle ice pop." Jack said.

He picked up Orange Creamsicle and placed her next to me.

"Now, shall we get to work?"

An hour and a half later, we had read the two chapters we were assigned, annotated it, found key vocabulary words, and answered the focus questions on the worksheet our teacher gave to us. And Jack and I worked diligently the whole time.

I started to put my binder and pencils away. I zipped up my bag and gave Orange Creamsicle one last pat on the head, then I followed Jack downstairs.

I said goodbye to his mom, not before she told me that she loved having me here and I was good for Jack, and that I can come back any time. Then Jack drove me home.

A/N: this was the last filler chapter! it gets better now:))

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