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                        Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ʜᴏᴜʀs-ᴊᴠᴋᴇ                 0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32                                 ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺

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Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ʜᴏᴜʀs-ᴊᴠᴋᴇ
0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺

"I want to watch the fireflies together with you tonight. "

The guy got silence for a while before nervously laughs. "Ahaha, you're joking right? Is it possible for us to see the same fireflies? "

".... Is that a no? "

"Nadia, it's hard for me to do it. I can't take out this phone because it has wires. Plus-"

Nadia immediately cuts him. "Yeah, yeah whatever. I guess we'll do that later heh.. "

And then the call ends just like that.

Uthman looks at the phone, with a confused expression on his face. "That's weird.. "

He tries to ignore what Nadia had tell him just now, but somehow he feels bad that he couldn't fulfil her wishes.

"Nevermind,I'll try the way to do it later."

"The number you have dial can not be reached at this moment

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"The number you have dial can not be reached at this moment. Please try again."

It have been like this for a week.

Is she upset with him?

Okay, Uthman is now feeling even more bad. He should've did what Nadia asked him to do. It's just a simple request, watching the fireflies together.

"I'll call her tomorrow. Maybe she needs a rest for now?"

Today, as usual; he tries to call her again

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Today, as usual; he tries to call her again.

But, instead of Nadia; it's a rough man voice that picks up."What the fuck do you want now?" He asked, with an angry tone.

Uthman gulps before responds; "Good day, sir. Is Nadia there? May I speak to her please?"

The man get silence for a while before sighs harshly. He sounds completely upset with Uthman's question.

"Who are you, huh?! What do you want with my daughter?!" The man suddenly sounds angry, making Uthman almost fells off the phone.

"N-nothing! I just want to know if she's fine right now. I'm her friend actually and she hadn't picked up the phone for a long time."

The man on the other side just listen to his story till the end. After Uthman done telling him the story, the man could only lets out a sigh.

"Listen kid. I'm really happy that you're my daughter's friend and I really appreciate it. But, I need to tell you the news that no one in her school know yet. "

"Nadia has already passed away last week. "

I hate Math so much.

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