Chapter 8

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Rosa POV
French Court

Me and my ladies to come up with a plan to make Mary throw her drink on me and make everyone upset with her. Just as we finished our plan to make Mary pour her drink on me. The pager announce Francis.

" Everyone leave us" I said.
My ladies left the room in a hurry.

" How can I help you Francis?" I asked with a soft voice.
" Bash told me everything." He said with a worry voice.
" And why do you sound so worried??" I asked but annoyed of the mention of Mary's name.
" I'm worried because I know you would want revenge or to teach Mary a lesson and I'm here to make sure you don't do anything stupid or might regret" he said in one breath.

I walked up to him.
" Francis breath and yes I was thinking of doing something but I'm an Empress and I have to take the high road and not be Petty and risked not finding a husband" I said. 
" I know but promise if you do something make sure it not really bad" Francis said seriously.
" Okay I can try but I will not promiseuf Mary can't get her act together and be a real queen then I will have no choice but to teach her a lesson the hard the way." I said to him a bit grumpily.

" Okay" he said defeated.
" Anyway I have some paperwork from my father about Poland and then I have to get a new crown for the festival in two days then I have to focus on finding a husband, as you can tell I am quite busy" I said in a hurry and move to my desk in my chambers.
" You know I can get you your own study my mother wouldn't mind sharing with you since she lives you so much" Francis said to me.
" Maybe I haven't spend as much time with her, thank you Francis but I must get back to my duties just as you" I said to him with a playful smile on my face.

" I will after you give me something" he said playful with a smirk on his face.
" And what would that be?" I asked curiously.
" This" Francis said.
" Wha-" I tried to say before he walked closer and leaned down to me and place his lips on mine and kissed me. I was shocked for a second before I moved my lips against his and place my arms around his neck.
" Queen Catherine" I heard the pager before I pushed Francis away.
" Send her in" I yelled so the pager could hear me.
Catherine walked into my chambers with her head held high.
" Francis what are you doing here?" Catherine asked.
" He was here to suggest that I moved into your study that we could share I was just about to come and Francis was just about to leave" I said in a bit of hurry with a frantic smile on my face.
" Okay" she said eyeing us suspiciously.
" I will take my leave now" Francis said to break the silence that was there for at least three minutes. " Rosa" Francis said and kissed my cheeks. " Mother" he said and then took his leave.
I stared at Catherine for a few seconds before talking.
" Well how many I help you Catherine?" I asked.
" I wanted to check on you because I have seen you in a while but I see that Francis has that covered" she said teasingly.
I looked down and blushed.
" Anyway I have work to do and when can I move into your studies?" I asked.
" Don't worry I will have someone prepare your own" she said excitedly.
" Thank you I will see you at dinner" I said.
" I will see you at dinner then" she said.

Catherine POV

I have to find a way to get rid of Mary so Francis and Rosa can be married. If I can show Henry that he can have more power with Rosa being Francis wife and queen. The only reason why Mary is here is because she has a claim to England throne if only there was way Rosa had a claim.

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