Nature Vs Nurture

Start from the beginning

Daniel: No, but hopefully our mutual friend can point us in the right direction.

Johnny: What the...?

They came to a stop to a building where a group of people were doing yoga and got out walking into towards the door

Johnny: This is what rehab's like?

Daniel: This is one of the best facilities in the country

They got into the place and two blondes walked by them giggling

Johnny: Hey

Daniel: Focus, will ya? We're on business, not pleasure.

A woman walked up to them with a friendly smile

Woman: Welcome to Malibu Canyon Recovery. *Looks at Johnny* You're doing a very brave thing

Johnny: What? No, I'm not checking in. I'm no quitter

Woman: I understand. It can b hard at first. *Looks at Daniel* Don't worry he'll get used to it.

Daniel: *Chuckles* I'm sure he will

She walked away and Daniel started walking smiling

Johnny: Yeah, laugh it up, LaRusso.

They walked out the back and saw Shannon sat a table

Daniel: Shannon.

She got up and they hugged

Shannon: It's so good to see you

Daniel: You too

Shannon: Please tell Amanda I said thank you. That lavender essential oil she sent really did help with my insomnia.

Daniel: You still going to the Kudos and Concerns meeting?

Johnny cleared his throat and they both looked at him

Shannon: Hi Johnny

Johnny: Hey. You look good.

Shannon: You... too. *Chuckles* When Daniel said that he wanted to talk about Robby, I really wasn't expecting to see the two of you together.

Johnny: Yeah well... whatever it takes to find our son.

Shannon: I really wanted to take a break from here so that I could go look for him, but my life coach advised me against it.

Johnny: Your life coach? Might as well have set your money on fire

Shannon: You know Johnny, rehab has done wonders for me. It works for a lot of people actually.

Johnny: Great. Glad you're doing better, I really am. But I don't need a rehab vacation.

Shannon: That's because your idea of vacation is going to some monster truck show

Johnny: Hey, Truckasaurus was badass. You loved every minute of it.

Shannon: I was faking

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