Nature Vs Nurture

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|| Cobra Kai Dojo||

Students stood on the mat listening to their Sensei as he paced in front of them as he talked

Kreese: Life isn't always fair it can be cruel so that means you should be cruel

Kreese stopped pacing and stood in front of his students and continued

Kreese: Weakness is not acceptable in this dojo. The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers and you lost the battle. But you will not lose again. Lawrence was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us. And it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy. We will show no weakness. We will strike back, and we will strike hard! Is that clear?

Students: Yes, Sensei

Kreese: I can't hear you!

Students: Yes, Sensei!


Jack laid on his hospital bed as his mom showed him all the gifts he got from the students from both Miyagi-do and Cobra Kai while he looked at the ceiling depressed

Evelyn: And this is from the annoying kid... I forgot his name

Jack chuckled a little

Evelyn: This one is from this cute girl that came by just yesterday. Her name's Tory, right?

He took the card from his mom and looked at it with a smile on his face before it dropped from what she said next

Evelyn: And the basket is from the LaRussos

He turned to his side and looked at the basket 

Jack: Okay

Evelyn: You don't like them, huh?

He nodded and she sighed before he groaned and took a deep breath in trying to sit up

Evelyn: No, no, no, don't... What is it, honey? What do you need?

Jack: Ooh *Sighs* Where's Johnny?

She looked at him conflicted


Daniel drove down the road while Johnny slept before he woke up after they went over a speed hump

Daniel: Hey. I got you a juice

Johnny took it

Daniel: Advil's in the glove compartment.

Johnny: Looks like sewage

Daniel: Suck it up. If we find Robby, you might wanna be awake.

Johnny: Well, drive faster then. Feels like I'm in a rocking chair

He downed the pills in his hand before taking a gulp from the juice and almost threw up. He turned on the radio and Daniel sighed before turning it off

Daniel: Knock it off. We're on a mission.

Johnny: What are we supposed to do, drive all day looking for a van?

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