ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 59 {ᗯE ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩ GᑌEᔕT}☕️

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Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

The lady passes through the room as quickly as she came, exiting through the back door.

Leaving us toys in a large, foreign room.

"Did he really just leave me behind" I stand there staring at the door in disbelief.

ᗯOOᗪY ᑭOᐯ

The hallways are mostly quiet, a few figures in the distance. Sneaking out as carefully as I can from a wet floor sign my trail is quickly interrupted.

A cleaner, with a large trolley rolls over me, giving me a the perfect chance for a free ride.

Clutching onto the bottom of the trolley I chant to myself as we approach the exit to the outside world "Come on. Come on. Oh, no, no."

The trolley takes a hard left, entering a bathroom. The janitor steps away from the trolley, whistling to himself as he starts cleaning the sinks.

I shoot my way to hide behind the small separating wall of each cubicle, looking around for anything that will assist my escape.

That's when it hits me, the window!

While the man is still distracted, I shuffle over to the toilet and snatch a square of toilet paper off the roll.

Laying it flat on the rim of the seat for both grip and hygiene (ya know) I hop up carefully, keeping my eyes on the man the entire time.

Climbing up onto the back of the toilet, I make a  leap for the roll of paper, clutching the handle bar just above it. Straighten up, the roll starts to spin, causing my balance to be over thrown. My hat flys off my head threatening to fall in the bowl behind me. I snatch it out of the air, my feet tucked under the bar, pulling myself back to safety, shoving the hat onto my head.

I continue my climb, onto the rim of the cubical wall, shuffling backwards where I hear his voice.

"Huh? What the heck...?"

Nope! Not today! Slipping through the window I stand, catching my breath along the ledge.

The lady from earlier approaches a girl playing hopscotch


The girl sings "Bluebells, cockleshells..."

"There you are. Come on, honey. It's time to go home."

Together they walk off, giving me the clear.

Sliding across the wall, I leap and clutch a wire that leads to a light that I use to push myself up onto the roof. Once onto i runaround looking for a way out of here.

Stopping short of the edge i look at the far surrounding walls in disappointment.

The wind pushes through, whisking my hat with it.

"Oh. No, no, no, no!"

My hat catches itself under a green kite, which just happens to be just what I need.

Dashing as fast as I can to the far edge, the kite perched on my hands I leap of the edge, gliding through the air across the many playing kids.

Just skimming the wall I land perfectly on the footpath outside the daycare.

That is until a gust of wind pushes me back off the ground.

I shoot up into the sky, being pushed around insanely, freaking me out. Trying to clutch to the kite as tightly as possible I hitch my legs up with only makes things worse. The rod snaps and the kite plummets to a tree below. Roughly I am tosses branch to branch before dropping to the footpath, being saved by my pull string, hooked on a branch.

TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now