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Pulling the right strings, intro’s pacing,
You jab them with fluency, making a melody.
You embark to a song, whistling like a dog.
You fall to the rhythm, with only one anthem.

You stumble to a chord, ‘tis like life depends on a cord,
And you stop half way, as if there’s no other way.
Beads of sweat on your forehead, as though you’ve grown four heads.
You frazzle the masterpiece, giving up God’s piece.

You stare at your instrument, guilty in that moment.
It’s lying on your lap, untouched; you’re afraid to hold for once.
You look at your peers, who are playing by pairs. 
You feel fear then you chicken out, as though your league is out.

A memory reminds you, that it's not really about you.
You look up high, pass the ceiling, not bothered by their playing.
With a prayer away, you start another song right away.
You play with accuracy; and now, it’s for His Glory.

Mga Tula 2 (Poems 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt