Watch out Nini he is mine and don't think because of this project with him makes you better than me and I will make your life horrible :)

- Lily

I just roll my eyes. Seriously why are they all crazy and last I checked he was single and not an object.

"Annoying," I say to myself.

I get into my car, but it won't start. It is probably just the battery not working so I could just ask someone if I they have jumper cables and jump start the car. Then I should be fine. I open the hood of the car and notice the battery is not even in there.

"Are you kidding me? Now I can't even get home unless I buy a new battery somewhere," 

I then notice another note.

I also got my brother to take out the battery in your car. Sorry not sorry :)

- Lily

At this moment I really want to go find her, but it won't help me. I will just see if Kourtney is still at school.


Nini: Hey Kourt are you still at school?

Kourtney: No, I am not and remember today I am going out of town after school, and I am already at the airport. I'm sorry

Nini: It is okay just one of Ricky's fangirls took the battery out of my car because I got partnered up with him for a project

Kourtney: Your car Battery? They are crazy

Nini: definitely

I turn my phone off and just stand there. I really wanted to get home because maybe my Speak Now vinyl will come early, and it is hot outside. I decide to just walk home because it is only Salt Lake and it only take 15 minutes in the car to get to school. I got halfway home realizing that I am stupid because it would take longer on foot, and it is already 3:00 pm and I am supposed to be at Ricky's at 3:30pm. I start running hoping maybe I could get to my house to get my Speak Now TV vinyl that is probably outside right now. I really wonder when Lily's brother actually had time to take the car battery out though. I finally got home and saw the magical package.

"YES!" I shout.

I unlock me house and grab some things I will need like pencils, a notebook, headphones, and my phone charger just in case. I decided to text Ricky.


Nini: hi this is Nini, can I have you address so I we can work on the project.

Ricky: yep, it is 1989 Cornelia Street

Nini: Okay well I'm coming

Cornelia Street? Like the song is what I thought about I did know there was a Cornelia Street and then 1989.  Now I want to listen to the song. I had to look up the address because I didn't know where it is. It was only a 15-minute walk it was really close to the school too, but I have to go it is already 3:15 and I don't want to be late. Now if this goes bad, I can sing Cornelia Street and it would be relatable in some way. 


I finally found Cornelia Street after getting lost and now I have to find his actually address. It took longer than needed because I was being dumb. I finally found the house and it was a really pretty house. I went up to the door and rang the doorbell to be met with a man I am guessing is Ricky's father.

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