Farewells and returns all at the beginning(Part 1)

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|Y/N's POV|
"Tag, you're it!" Digby Wilson exclaimed as he tapped the other boy on the arm with rather too much force. Humphrey Taylor was half Digby's stature and to say the least, a lot more timid, so much so that even the lightest tap would have sent him stumbling back a few steps. As Digby's hand made contact Humphrey fell down upon the grass and looked into his lap as a hint of humiliation painted his cheeks with a light tint of red.

Y/N leapt up from their seated position by the flower bed and made their way over to Humphrey, holding their hand out and helping him back onto his feet with a soft pull. "Thank you Y/N" he said quietly yet politely under his breath. Y/N turned to the taller boy with a strong sense of stern disposition about them. "Digby?! You know you must be careful with him, I've told you this on many occasions yet you just don't listen! Humphrey, come sit over here with me" Y/N was still holding Humphrey's hand and walked with him back over to where they had been sitting.

The small boy was only a year younger than the other two, him being 10 and the others being as stated, one year his senior yet he struggled to catch up with them in many aspects. They all came from high ranking house holds and were educated together, spending their free time together aswell. However Humphrey had never excelled as much as the older two in their shared academics and this often left him feeling inferior and attributed to his shy nature. Y/N had noticed this many a time and had also noticed how Digby's ill treatment of the other was mainly centred around said disfortune. The older boy took pleasure in humiliating the younger and made it a frequent sport in all the time they spent together. He saw nothing wrong with it and infact thought this a good way to go about impressing Y/N, who, obliviously to him, saw his actions as what they were, a cruel betrayal of what could have been a true friendship between him and Humphrey.

"Master Taylor" his nanny called from the steps down to the garden where they sat "Your mother would like us to be home in time for your evening meal, so bid your farewells and we shall be off" Humphrey smiled sweetly at Y/N before casting a sheepish glance at Digby then looked back to the former and said a quiet "Goodbye Y/N" As he and the nanny made their way to their carriage he looked back, to which Y/N responded with a warm wave.

A few seconds passed as Digby and Y/N stood there in silence. Though they spent all their time together, it was only Humphrey and Y/N who showed an interest in being friends with each-other but since Digby's father was critical in business to Y/N's father they were obliged to attempt a peaceful acquaintance with the brutish boy. "I must go now too Y/N, goodbye" Digby made his way home alone, which was an ordinary occurrence as he lived close enough to do so safely and as his parents trusted him for goodness knows what reason to make sensible decisions.

The maid ushered Y/N inside for their dinner too and they sat down at the table after washing their hands and placing the book they were reading back in the house library. As the food was served, their mother asked the details of how they had spent their day, to which they replied "I had a lovely time playing with Humphrey mummy! It was a splendid day to spend in the garden and we had such a great few hours after our education to watch as the sky turned a beautiful blend of red and orange."

"Well darling, it sounds like you had a marvellous time. However... regarding your education. Your father and I have a matter of such topic to discuss with you. You see, the best private school in the country has contacted us in regards to a spot at their establishment which they have decided to offer to you. The only problem is that it would mean leaving home from now until you reach the age of eighteen. We understand this must be a difficult choice, considering your great friendships here but you must see dear what a great opportunity this is for your future." She paused a moment before asking "What do you think darling? Would you like to seize such opportunity?" Y/N was rather upset but knew that if they did not agree, then they would regret it later on so they nodded gently and said "Yes mummy, that sounds like a lovely chance to widen my possibilities for academic success, when would I be leaving?"

By the next day the maid had packed their luggage and they were climbing into a carriage destined for 'an even brighter future'. "Farewell Humphrey, I will miss you so!" They exclaimed in a melancholy tone as they hugged him tightly.

"Goodbye your highness" said Humphrey as the carriage pulled away.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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