Chapter 7 - He Returns

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Hermione was sitting in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket with Otter in her lap. She had been crying the entire time Ron hadn't been there. She didn't know when he would he back. She missed him so much.
She later had been crying, sitting in the same spot for hours at a time. When the door bell rang, she got up, aching from sitting on the floor. She didn't even bother to wipe away her tears when she opened the door. She looked up and saw her husband, Ron. "Oh my gosh!" She said, as more tears went streaming down her face. She ran into his arms and he hugged her tightly.
"Hullo, love." He said. She looked up at him and he said, "Blimey! You look terrible!" "I know," she said. "I know you said no to be upset, but I couldn't stand it with you not by my side!" She buried her face into his chest and sobbed uncontrollably. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and said, "it's okay, love. I'm here now. I won't leave you."
For a while Ron told her what had haopened during the mission. She was so happy to have him home. "Why did you come home so early?" She asked him. "We had caught all of the blokes already so they let us go home today," he said. "Well, thats good." Said Hermione, snuggling closer to Ron. "What have you been doing while I was gone?" Ron asked, putting his arm over her shoulders. "Well, nothing of which you wanted me to do." She said as a tear ran down her cheek. "I mostly stayed in bed and cried. Didn't really eat much. I haven't even read anything like I usually do." "I'm sory," Ron said, pulling her closer. "I'm sorry that my absence made you feel that way."
"It's alright," said Hermione leading her head on his shoulder. Hermione shivered Ron said, "Are you cold?" "A little bit," she said, "but I'm okay." Ron reached for a blanket on the armchair beside him and covered them both. "Better?" He asked. Hermione nodded and Ron changed his position to lay down on the sofa. Hermione layed down also with her head on his chest. They fell asleep minutes later.
Ron woke up about an hour later. He checked the time and it was thirty after eleven. He slowly sits up, stands up, and carries her bride style to the bedroom. He set her on the bed and layed down with her and fell asleep.
Hermione was asleep and dreaming. She was back at Malfoy Manor with Ron amd Harry. Bellatrix grabbed her and said, "Put the boys in the dungeon. I'm going to have a conversation with this one, GIRL TO GIRL!" Ron and Harry were dragged away and out of sight. Bellatrix started yelling out questions and Hermione yelled, "I don't know!" Bellatrix pinned her down and yelled out the question again. "I DON'T KNOW!" Hermione yelled out again. Bellatrix took out her dagger and kept Hermione pinned down. She cut Hermione's arm and she screamed. "Hermione!" She could hear the faint voice of Ron yell. "Hermione!" He yelled again. She screamed and cried until she woke up. She saw Ron, looking concerned. She breathed heavily and burst into tears. Ron held her in his arms.
"It's okay," he said. "It was only a dream. Do you want to talk about it?" "I..." she began, "I was at Malfoy Manor again. She cut my arm, in the the word, 'Mudblood.' I screamed and cried and it felt so real. I still remember hoe bad the pain was." She started sobbing into his chest. He tightened his grip on her protectingly. "It's okay, I'm here." He said. She nodded and closed her eyes. She could feel Ron had relaxed, and knew he had fallen asleep. She fell asleep soon after him, glad to know that he was there to protect her.

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