Down Goes Santa: Part 1

Start from the beginning

" I'm obsessed with Christmas" Chapa answers

She's sitting on a sofa with a Christmas book and a cup of hot chocolate

" dang girl, you took a long time to answer that question" Mika mentioned and Soleil pointed at the girl next to her to agree

Bose leaned over to his microphone that's laying on the floor

" would you like to nacho-size those balls?" Bose asked the costumer on the other line

Soleil quickly sat up when Chapa zapped his microphone

" well there goes that story" Bose said to himself

Soleil layed back of her original position. Chapa began reading a Christmas story about Father Christmas deliver presents to the all nice boys and girla all over the world. Soon Ray entered in the Man's Nest

" sorry I'm late. I got stuck in the drive through line at Nacho ball, I guess some jerk just left in the middle of his shift" Ray explained

Bose quickly hid his microphone, not knowing the costumer before is his boss

" grab a sweater, I'm reading a Christmas story" Chapa explained to him

" oh. You guys wanna hear a Christmas story?" Ray asked with an evil smile and grab a book

" Ray..." Mika began

" sit, just sit" Ray ordered the kids

They bickered for a few minutes as Ray put on his Christmas sweater and Soleil sighed

" here he goes..." Soleil said to herself

" I heard all the ' tradisional Christmas stories '. But there's a lot more to Christmas than what they ' teach ' you in ' schools." Ray continues when he does air quotes

" do you know how air quotes work?" Miles questioned

" yea" Ray answers as pointing to the male twin

Ray tried to move Chapa out of the sofa but she kept rejecting it, eventually Ray got the seat and Chapa fell on the floor

" you guys wanna hear... The real story of Christmas?" Ray asked the kids

" no" Soleil answers like it's obvious

" you wanna... It's rhetorical" Ray began as taking a Christmas book out from under him

Ray read a story of a tail of two brothers. One was jolly and all happy, and another is like a tom boy and naughty, they're parents are mother nature and father time. One day the naughty brother who's name is Krampus turned evil and how he wants revenge on his brother that's everyone know is Santa Clus, while this the four didn't belive him but Soleil stayed silent because she doesn't want to do ten or more push-ups like Miles and Mika did. Schwoz was also playing his guitar during Ray read and he told the scientist that he can still play his guitar unless it goes to the story

Miles finished his ten push-ups and stood up

" I don't belive any of that" Miles said with disbelief as walking over to his boss after Ray was done with his story

" Krampus touch!" Ray yelled as reaching a hand over to Miles

Miles screamed and fell backwards while Schwoz played his guitar, Ray laughed maniacally as walking towards the metal doors and left the Man's Nest

Soleil couldn't wait 'till Christmas because it's the year of lovebirds do they're own thing and the new years. Miles encouraged Soleil tell how she feels about Bose on the right time, and Christmas or New Year Eve's would be the right time. She just needed to be alone with him and figure what she needs to say

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