a wicked smile appeared on there face as Aether looked up still in shook making eye contact. they leave Aether there in thoughts as Xiao appears infront of him, Aether acts normal and looks at Xiao with a smile

"i saw you here alone, you look as if you were waiting for me" -X

"i was!" -A

"oh.." -X

Aether smiles more and goes closer putting his hands on Xiao muscular but clothed chest

"you know..i am a bit bo~red, so how about we-" -A

Aether pulls Xiao closer to his face as Xiao is red but still focused at Aether's face and eyes

"have some 'fun' hm?" -A

"..tsk very well then" -X


Xiao puts his hands on Aether's waist and kisses him but instead of a first passion kiss he goes aggressive leaving Aether shocked a bit and trying to keep up with Xiao's kiss as a few minutes pass of the kiss, breaking free to catch some air

"oh wow..never knew you had that in you Xi-" -A

with no warning again Xiao kisses him again but they fall down to the flowers, Xiao on top of Aether

'wait..someone can catch us-" -A

Aether pushes him back a bit but breaking the kiss as Xiao's pupils are in shape of hearts, looking at Aether as Aether's eyes have a heart in them aswell

"are you sure we should do it here?" -A

"hm maybe your right.." -X

Xiao grabs Aethers waist and wrist amd teleports to the inn, inside of his room

'and i thought he would stop and say we would do it another time-' -A

Xiao takes Aether's scarf off and starts kissing or sucking his neck as a few soft tiny moans come out of his mouth

"ngh~ooh Xiao~" -A

Xiao bites down as he finds Aethers sweet spot when Aether lets out a low but long moan. as he bites down hard on his skin causing a bit of blood come out

"MM!~ooh my Xiao where did you learn all these skills~" -A

Xiao backs away from Aethers neck and goes close to Aethers face as they both catch there breathe a bit

"Aether..before we go further, may i have your permission and consent?" -X

As Xiao asks that question, Aether raises his arms has he puts his hands on both sides of Xiao's face

"Xiao~..of course you do but under on condicion" -A

"Hm?" -X

in a blink of an eye Aether switches the positions a bit making himself on top of Xiao, his clothes already off as he places Xiao's hands, one on his waist and another one behind his thigh

"dont hold back..ill handle every anything you do to me~" -A

"..alright then" -X

Xiao's face was pure red by the person infront of him fully naked. they kiss on more time as Xiao starts fingering Aether slowly to not harm him but then goes rough as Aethers starts a moaning a bit more louder in-between the kiss.

they pull away, Aether still a moaning mess, Xiao slowly and steady takes his clothes off as he succeed and carefully placed his d1ck on Aether's hole. Aether notices immediately and does a loud moan as Xiao slams himself inside of Aether. As Xiao's d1ck is all inside of Aether, he waits until Aether adjusts to it and gets comfortable 

"Mm..i feel so full" -A

Aether murmurs a bit as he moves a bit to adjust

"you can m-move now" -A

'its so deep and i feel so full..Mm!~ ooh this pleasure~i never felt this type of plesure!~Xiao~even if you decline you must come with me to next world while we leave this one behind then we will be together FOREVER~" -A

as Aether thinks deeply of his future with Xiao the moments stops when he realizes Xiao switched position making Aether lay down stomach facing up and Xiao inside of him his stomach facing down at Aether and starts slowly going out and slamming back inside making Aether scream a bit a moan...as a few minutes pass Xiao was slamming Aether as he has found his prostrate and was now slamming, hitting the same spot over and over again as Aether moans high as he was sure he might of woke someone up. after a few more seconds Xiao spreads his semen inside of Aether as they both moan a bit at the same time, Xiao takes his d1ck out making Aether whine but moan a bit. As Xiao cleans up and lays back down they both cover themselves with a blanket as they snuggle close and cuddle, after they relax for a bit Xiao 'falls asleep' as Aether is still awake

"i do wonder.." -A

Aether puts his hands on Xiao's hair petting it while he wraps his legs around his waist pulling him closer

"which side would you choose.." -A

Xiao opened his eyes a bit in confusion by then fully as Aether can see he opened his eyes or not

"if i told you i am ganna burn this world, Teyvat to the ground.." -A

Xiao's eyes opened in shock ad he heard what Aether was saying

'burn this world to the ground!?..' -X

"..pfft-hahahahahAHAHAHAAHAHAH!dw my love..when its all done we can leave this world forever with my sister" -A

as Aether says 'my sister' his voice dropped a bit in anger, disappointment, disgust or maybe jealousy

"we can be together forever! get married, do everything together!" -A

Aether lets out a chuckle

"everything..just you and me<3" -A


took me so long-sorryyyy<//3
new record!word count : 1519
welp gn, gm or good afternoon people

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