No One Likes A Bully

Start from the beginning

Fred looked out towards the pastures, "Well, look who decided to show up. You have a nice ride, Jimmy?"

Jimmy rode towards us, a calf in his saddle. 

"Shut the fuck up and get the gate for him."

He scoffed and began to say something when Lloyd cut him off,

"Open the gate, Fred."

He grumbled to himself as he opened the gate.

"Hell of a job, Jimmy." I gave him a smile before returning to sorting.


We finally finished and Ryan, Colby, and I started for the bunkhouse, Fred and Jimmy following in suit. I heard a small kick and was almost knocked over as Jimmy tumbled into Ryan and I.

Ry: "You're a fucking dip shit, Fred."

I just sighed as the three of us turned to keep walking. I whipped around at the sound of shoving. Fred grabbed Jimmy by the shirt collar,

"You feelin' saucy, boy?"

Jimmy threw two punches into Fred's face, them being quickly returned.

"He's branded you goddamn moron."

Fred threw a hard punch that knocked Jimmy to the ground, "Stay the fuck down. And you," he turned to me, "shut the fuck up."

I scoffed but instead turned my attention to Jimmy as he crawled towards us, "You're okay. Come on."

No sooner than he got to his feet he started back at Fred.

Ry: "No, no, no, no, no, no!'

Jimmy went to punch but Fred caught it and slammed his fist into Jimmy's stomach, him falling to the ground and vomiting. Fred picked him back up and punched Jimmy back to the ground.

Ry: "Don't do this, man."

F: "I'm gonna make it sting this time."

Colby and I helped Jimmy up, him collapsing back onto us.

C: "Alright, we're done here. You got him."

Jimmy fought us and tried to get back to his fight, to which we failed to stop him,

"Touch him again and you're a dead man, Fred."

He scoffed and hit Jimmy again. 

"Alright, then." I started towards the man, I had enough of seeing a beaten Jimmy laying on the ground. Ryan and Colby couldn't do anything seeing as I was the only one the 'no fighting' rule didn't apply to. I stood over Jimmy, "Fuckin' try it Fred, I dare you."

R: "Look I know what the rules are but no way in hell I'm gonna let him touch her."

C: "Yeah, don't worry I'm right here with you, brother.

Fred smirked and started to cock back when Rip came out of nowhere and body slammed him into the dirt. He picked up the man twice his size and threw him against the fence, and then the bunkhouse wall. Fred groaned painfully as Rip pushed his boot into his throat,

"What's the rule about fighting, Fred? You wanna fight somebody you come fight me! I'll fight you all goddamn day!"

J: "I'm the one that started it! It wasn't him, it was me!"

"Don't defend him Jimmy, he's a piece of shit."

Fred coughed as Rip let off his throat and started toward Jimmy. He grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him to us, showing his brand, "You see this?" he turned him to Fred now, "You know what this means!? This means 'don't fucking touch', Fred! Don't fucking touch. And you ever, and I mean fucking ever touch her again, I'll kill you my goddamn self." he turned back to us, "Now you guys can go get the supper that you didn't earn. Get out of here."

I stayed with Rip and Lloyd, helping Jimmy stand. 

F: "I didn't start it, he said it."

Lloyd snapped his whip, cracking against Fred's face. Rip sending another punch into his stomach for good measure before turning to us.

R: "These guys, they just work here, Jimmy. You'll see a thousand of them come and go. But not us. We die here. This is your family. We're your family." he turned back to Fred, "Jimmy's no longer cleaning the stalls, Fred. That's your job."

F: "No. No, I ain't cleaning no goddamn stall."

R: "Lloyd. Give this man his week's wages, and get this piece of shit off the ranch."

Lloyd now stepped to Fred, whip still at the ready, while Rip walked back to us. "You get to the fucking bunkhouse."

R: "They come and go, Jimmy. But not us."

J: "I gotta wash up."

R: "Mm-mm. No, no, no. You go have your supper, and you make them look at you. Now go on." 

Jimmy nodded and started to limp off, before I could join him, Kayce walked up.

R: "What do you want?"

K: "I need a horse. They ain't back yet."

I followed them into the barn, my father and nephew possibly being in danger. We tacked up and raced towards the woods.

"Any clue where they are?"

K: "No. Fuck, I should've never let him take Tate."

"Look, Kayc, I'm sure they're okay." I didn't even believe my words.

R: "Whatever it is, Mr. Dutton's got it handled." 

Finally, we spotted dad riding towards us, a large gash on Tate's right cheek.

D: "Cleaned it best I could, but he needs stitches."

K: "What happened?"

T: "I fell in the river and Grandpa saved me."

Kayce circled them, "Why was he near a river?" he gave dad a nasty look as he took Tate into his own saddle. He rode off without another word.

"Looks like everything's goin' back to normal." I sighed, kicking at Birdie to get closer to dad, Rip doing the same.

R: "I had to get rid of a wrangler today."

D: "Yeah? Which one?"

R: "Fred."

D: "What'd he do?'

R: "Ah, he worked over Jimmy. Almost did it to her."

Dad snapped his head towards me.

"He barely cocked his arm before Rip stepped in. I was just protecting Jimmy, he wasn't gonna stop."

Dad sighed, "Well, good riddance. I always took him for a bully."

R: "Yeah, that and a loudmouth, too. You know, I could drop him at the bus station, but he's been here a while. He's seen a lot. Train station's where I'd leave him."

I nodded in agreeance.

D: "Well, you run the bunkhouse, Rip. Do what's best for the ranch. Replace him with someone who wears a brand."

R: "You got a cowboy in mind?"

D: "Do it like my daddy did it. Get somebody from the prison. Take Kymberly."

R: "Alright. Just, uh... uh, anyone?"

D: "Brand isn't something you earn, it's something you live up to. Think you deserved it when I gave it to you? look at you now."

Rip nodded, "Boy okay?"

D: "Boy's fine."

R: "You okay?"

Dad sighed, "I almost lost him."

"Well, it's hard to measure 'almost', because 'almost' doesn't matter."

Dad laughed, "Yeah, well, isn't that wise. Who told you that?"

"You did, dad." 

R: "I'll have your supper waiting."

We clicked for our horses and started back for the barn.

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