Puck girl plot

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Puck girl is a sequel to the mighty ducks. all the ducks all grew up, some had kids and some didn't

charlie conway, the captain of the ducks, married linda and had a little girl named ella. ella grew up around hockey but stopped playing when her mom died in a car crash, the death really hit hard for charlie and ella. charlie became an alcoholic but stopped once he realized who ella was taking it.

10 months later, it's ella conways first day of middle school. she's scared of how she's will fit in at the new school but her best friend, Scarlett Moreau, thinks ella will do great

while at school, she meets someone she never expected to meet again. his name is Carson banks

Carson is know as the rich boy in the school and picks on others like his dad did when he was younger. he has had a rough past in schools because he's know as Adam Banks son.

Carson meets the new kid in class. he finds out that she is charlies daughter and tries to become friends with her

what will happen between them? will they become friends or will they be enemies.

what you need to know in the movie

name: ella conway

dad: Charlie conway

best friend: Scarlett Moreau

lover: Carson Banks

name: Carson banks

Dad: Adam banks

Best friend: Chase Larson

Lover: Ella conway

Name: Scarlett Moreau

mom/dad: Guy germaine/ connie moreau

best friend: Ella conway

Lover: Chase larson

Name: Chase larson

mom/dad: Alex larson

best friend: Carson banks

lover: Scarlett Moreau

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