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Ashwin Kumar as himself

According to 2019, an aspiring actor who's working hard to do a movie as lead which is his longtime dream.
Introvert and humble.

Sivaangi Krishnakumar as herself

According to 2019, an aspiring singer who's from a singing background but never used their fame for popularity and  currently participating in a famous singing show in Ajay TV.
Extrovert and caring.

Lakshmikanthan and Devi as Ashwin's parents

Typical Indian parents who wished nothing but for their son's future and for him to settle earlier in life and advised him to be like the one who should prefer 9 to 5 job as usual.

Priya Darshini as Ashwin's sister

The understanding sister for her brother and someone who's always ready to lend her shoulders for her lil brother when he breaks down.
His only cheerleader from his family.

Krishnakumar and Binni Krishnakumar as Sivaangi's parents

A very understanding and friendly patents for Sivaangi as they believe her wholehearted and love to see her flying with her own wings.

Vinayak Sundar s Sivaangi's brother

A little brother of sivaangi who always love to pull her legs but would turn into a protective brother when someone tries to hurt her.

Rakshan as himself
Pugazh as himself
Manimegali as herself
Bala as himself
Shakeela ma'am as herself
Baba baskar master as himself
Sunita as herself
Kani ka as herself
Pavitra as herself
Darsha as herself
Sakthi as himself

Everyone who travelled with them in real life is there in the story with same role💜

A/N: I'll never portray anyone as negative in this story everyone will be good in their own way, so no antagonist for my story but also remember one always doesn't need an antagonist to have a fight😁

It's my imagination and some incidents from reality will be added to the story.

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