"In the Spring Playoffs, last season, you defeated a strong opponent, Yu Niu. In this Onmyoji Arena Pro league, are there any players you'll beware of?" Another person asked excitedly. Wow.. E-sports is so easy to the people not playing, no? Players like Ah Tai give that impression.

"Our team has been sending many seniors to the opponent's team. Although these seniors were good, the Korean team has new blood joining constantly. So, we're not very nervous. The ones who caught my attention recently, are the female players they recruited. I'm quite interested." He shrugged. So he had to mention it. His sarcasm seems absent-

"It's just that they don't give me a chance. I heard that there's a different culture in China. Perhaps they don't really care about the results. Maybe the players are just to increase popularity, and they're not that skilled. That's why they don't dare to send them for a match." Sarcasm, absent? Of course not. This is Tai we're talking about. I  brushed my fingers through my hair. My mother called me, told me to let them grow past my shoulders. But hey, I'm not a fan of long hair. Besides, she can't see me on a voice call anyway.

Getting off topic.. Back to Tai. "Does that mean ZGDX rejected your invite for a practice match? Does it mean they're scared?" The first reporter quizzically asked. I mentally slapped my forehead. I should've known his double meaning from the start.

"How do people say this in Chinese..? Cowards?" He said. Comments were pouring in, like:-

'Ah Tai is hard to deal with.. but so is Lee Chen. She's aware of her level.'

'Smiling too. They got ZGDX branded as cowards.'

'But does that mean ZGDX is giving up..?' As soon as I read that, I scoffed. He thinks he's superior. I guess it's time someone popped that balloon for him.


In response to what happened an hour ago, as you read above, a message was sent out saying ZGDX accepted the invite. Without Cheng's permission. Envision his angry scowl right about.. now.

Well, Rui and Cheng went to the terrace to have a 'talk', and the team obviously had to overhear them. Including me.

"No." Cheng said. What were they talking about? Tong Yao, K and me took a little peek. Cheng stared out the balcony, into a point in distant space. Rui still stood his ground.

"They provoked us publicly. Furthermore, after training so hard, Tong Yao and Lee Chen.. They should be able to adapt well." He explained, and I understood him. He wanted us to get involved in the matches. He wanted us to feel like a team. But Cheng thought now wasn't the time. He was right too.

"Why did they provoke us? Wasn't that because they heard some news? Now the club announces to the whole world that our Mid and Topsolo are invincible in the practice match. If we really want to prove our skills, we should talk to their operation team. Why should we respond to TAT?" Cheng argued. The adamant idiot, as always. He didn't care about image, reputation, fans.. then what did he care about, candy?

"This is the general manager's decision. I can't reject it. Everyone is out there, spreading rumours that ZGDX are cowards. We can't be real cowards, can we? Just lose one match, what's the big deal? Before the season starts, it's good that two strong teams from different countries know each other. Sooner or later, we'll meet TAT." Rui said casually. Cheng glared at him in blatant rage.

"Lose one match? Ah Tai is different. It's not as simple as losing a game." Cheng replied. He sighed, and kept staring into the distance. All of us, still listening in, got comfortable for a story.

"The club has set the time, both are appointed to go." Rui shrugged. Cheng looked him tight in the eyes.

"Up to you. But if anything happens, don't expect me to pick up the pieces." He said nonchalantly. He fiddled with a Rubik's cube he had, jumbling it.

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