#1 - Troublemaker Reveal

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Ladybug dodged Troublemaker as the latter clicked her pen and tried to grab hold of the former's earrings.

 Troublemaker had disappeared into thin air again. 

"Where could she be?", asked Ladybug, constantly looking around for any sign of the supervillain.

"I don't know m'lady, but we'll have to keep alert", replied Chat.

After looking for some tensed minutes, the click of a pen could be heard.

She appeared in front of Chat and proceeded to grab his ring but was swiftly stopped by Ladybug.

"M'LADY LOOK OUT!", yelled Chat.

Ladybug tried to run away but it was too late. Turning her heel on Ladybug, she used their proximity to her advantage and managed to pin Ladybug down. In one quick movement, she stole one of her earrings and disappeared.

She looked down at herself in panic as she watched the sparkles of her transformation reveal parts of her civilian clothes little by little.

The supervillain appeared out of nowhere yet again to finally steal the other earring, but thankfully Chat was alert and immediately raised his staff and fought with Troublemaker to prevent the theft from happening.

As soon as that was done, Chat stepped back. But the problem was, he couldn't look away right then and accidentally spotted Ladybug's civilian clothes. Now obviously, after having one glance at it, he couldn't help but stare at her purse. It seemed so familiar....

"C'mon Kitty, let's go finish this battle", said Ladybug.

Chat nodded and bounded towards her.

As a result of Ladybug's weakened power, she couldn't use her yoyo and had to use a plate for defense. However, despite herself she refused to believe it and came up with a plan to defeat Troublemaker and soon she de-evilized the akuma and defeated Troublemaker.

"M'lady, can I ask you something?", said Chat as they fist bumped.

"Sure, go on", said Ladybug.

"You're Marinette, aren't you?", asked Chat.

Ladybug struggled to keep her composure as she went wide-eyed at his question.

"W-why would you ask that?", she stuttered, looking down at her feet. "Of COURSE I'm not her", she added, her voice raising a notch.

"You might be right, but then why did your purse look similar to Marinette's? The clothes too. Are you maybe Marinette's twin?", asked Chat.


"Now that is definitely something Mari would say. I never would've thought I friend zoned the love of my life all these years", said Chat with a mixture of admiration and guilt.

"What do you mean? But only one person did that.... ", she said as her eyes widened the size of dinner plates.


"One and only", he replied with a grin.

He gently cupped her jaw with his hands and leaned forward, capturing her lips in a tentative kiss. He pulled back after five seconds.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help- "

She cut him off with her lips on his again. He smiled against her lips as he deepened the kiss, his hands sliding to her hair.

"I love you, my lady and my Marinette"

"I love you too, silly kitty"

A/N: Omg, OMG I can't believe I just finished a story. I never actually finish a story, so this is like a big achievement for me. Sorry this is short but hope y'all enjoyed it, and please comment on my story. Also, I want to announce that I'm opening requests for any ships y'all want me to do. I'll do the ones that I feel comfortable with.

This is Rose, signing off.

This is Rose, signing off

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